Don't touch it or you'll get some of that void ooze

No further questions


it's insanely expensive but it's basically the only one out there at that weight. you can get an amazing deal for one that weighs 1kg but if you want to halve that it's pricey

I clicked the article to try and see pictures of these spaces but it's impossible with all the ads and popups. Probably easier for me to walk the Thames until I find them all ffs

At least forbidden only makes a huge difference on a couple of champs, talisman just goes on anyone

As someone who can't swim, this is literally my worst nightmare. I'm ok floating in salt water but thinking of having to tread water in the middle of a deep fresh water lake is terrifying

I had no idea about the Thermocell, does it use a noticeable amount of gas?

yeah, been through all that, high cadence, proper form, calf/tibialis raises, shin scraping, the lot

oh right that makes sense, my mind didn't process the bug properly lol

I've been running for about a year but never made any progress because of shin splints that come back after any sort of speed session. Just had the same exact realisation about my glutes and really hope that will make a difference

Seen a couple so far but still got destroyed by the usual porcelain / random bullshit+ Lissandra

Heavenly was reworked and ghostly is currently broken but bro in the picture is winning. Is the secret tech to play heavenly ghostly because it's always uncontested? 🤔

I just lost a game to the very meta comp of dryad ghostly and Lissandra he got early from carousel

Do you make multiple drinks at a time? I have the same issue you describe with the 350ml pitcher but I only need to stem milk for 1 drink at a time so I can't really use the 500ml one :(

This is so impressive for me... I've been stuck between platinum 3 and 1 for my last 100 games lmao

Does Samsung still save screenshots inside the DCIM folder so it's impossible to not auto upload them to Google photos? it's genuinely my only deal breaker, I don't want to setup a third party app to move each picture every time

Of course, impossible to not fumble a start this good lmao

Bro I remember the old icon for DFG

When I started playing Varus just came out...

The only time I've seen Morgana be op was with that encounter that gives you 6 radiant items for a round. I was losing badly with a Morgana 2*, then put radiant rabadon, shonin and gauntlet on her and she melted the whole team for one round

I've just tested the same canister without beand and I made sure to empty as much as I could out and got a difference of 0.82, need to see how that affects calculations