Yes, I am aware, and I am also aware that Fort Sask is in this area, and therefore may be what sounds familiar about the name. Thanks.

Svekla was also a serial killer in our area so that might be the bell you hear.

Yeah don't do this.

There's zero way to prove that something on a toilet is related to this individual and the only person that is going to get in trouble or look insane is you.

I get that.

Its sonething you can argue both ways cause you have to assume a few things to assume that the person doing the injclection makes enough money that they don't deserve more. How do you know that? What if they only make 40k a yr cause they get shit hours. Or they have a disability that creates barriers for them to habe full time employment. Would that change your mind?

You could have this argument for any service...what if your waitress will be a nurse in 3 mos or a doctor in 5? Is future earning potential part of the equation? What if the waitress just got $100 off that nice old lady who just had a tea and left? Is that enough for her today?

It's kinda an ethical issue. Definitely not wrong either way. That's just the way I've made the line in the sand in my mind but it's okay if yours is different. In the end, it's optional and you get to decide which option to exercise and what sits right with you.

Is it cosmetic or medically necessary?

Here's my take...

Cosmetic = tip as it's the same as every other service done for aesthetic purposes. If you'd tip a hairdresser for flat ironing your hair or giving it a little extra volume, you tip the person who does the same to your face.

Medical necessary (like for hyperhidrosis, migraines...), you tip the same way you would for a Pap or a throat don't.

What are we some kinda pedos, skinners left and's troubling

Is Thunder still dead and brown?? That lake was one of the nastiest looking lakes I've ever seen a few years ago and there wasn't anything over a cm long alive in that thing.

Clear water is going to be near the mountains, near their source in the glaciers.

Unfortunately the majority of other lakes and rivers in AB are murky and get murkier as you move from their source, the glaciers in the mountains.

Seeing fish is more likely near the mountains.

Does thrlere have to be a lake or river involved? Are you boating? If so, what kind of boat? What's your primary objective?

I am not huge on that red velvet cheesecake. It was a cake, not a cheesecake, with cream cheese filling. I felt like I got duped. This was in Edmonton this week.

Selamat datang, sayang!

Jangan risau, tidak kos.

Let's go Oilers!!!!

Reviewing case files , doctors reports, patient applications, possibly interviews with clients to develop details on their history. Ordering and interpreting medical tests such as bloods, urine, vitals, functional assessments, and making decisions relating to eligibility for different products. Desk work. Admin.

Insurance underwriting for medical / life insurance is a great move for those with a medical background that want to get off dorect patient care. Also claim adjudication like Claims Mgmt for WCB, Veterans Affairs , insurers, CPP etc.

Hahaha boobies said all the 7 yr olds in the room

Corn ice cream is super popular in Asia cause it's delicious. Remove this blasphemy

Follow up. Drop off outside the doors is set up well with a dedicated zone. Then its about 15 or 20 steps to get from there to the front door security. t's a really short distance between the front door to the elevator, maybe 10 or 15 steps. Then from the elevator, it's about another 15 or 20 steps to the entrance to the closest 3rd base area accesible seats (127 or 128). Then another 10 or 15 steps to the accessible seating. There were armless moveable seats available in the accessible section for any of the tickets to use, however you could remove thwm for a walker or wheelchair.

Accessible experience 10/10. We will go again.

In so sorry that happened to you. You deserve to feel safe in your home and I hope you will be safe forever more.

Wait... we are only supposed to blame immigrants for our problems if they're POC though right? Just want to be sure I didn't miss a memo.