I've only seen nofx 6 times (Including the past two nights) so that's probably rookie numbers to some people in this sub haha. But I think it was my favourite experience seeing them. Everything from the venue to the whole lineup, seeing jerks and descendents, them finishing with the decline. I also loved the meffs, first time seeing them and I thought they did such a good job of hyping the crowd for the rest of the night. I met them at the end of the night also and they were just really cool people. Also got to meet Melvin and get a picture which was nice, especially as it's supposedly the final tour. I know fattys voice was a little busted but I still thought they were really tight. Sorry for rambling but I've seen some people sharing their gig experiences here so I thought I would do the same. And yes as the title says, a man was nice enough to give me a free pint just as descendents were starting. Saved me lining up for 10-15 mins and paying 8 quid. Absolute legend. Fingers crossed now for the reunion tour haha.