What Markiplier series would you love to see revived or revisited?Discussion

For me I really enjoy his old videos from the Fran Bow series and Subnautica but more recently I have rewatched his Inscryption videos quite a few times and would like for him to revisit them for a new play through! What video series would you like to series Mark upload again on a fairly regular basis or atleast revisit in detail?

What is your favorite horror movie that is set in or was made in your home state? Discussion

Out of curiosity I searched up what horror movies were filmed in Louisiana over the years expecting to see ones like The Skeleton Key, The Reaping, etc but I was very surprised to learn that the Blob 1988 remake was filmed entirely in a small town called Abbeville that is only about an hour away from where I live, pretty cool considering I’m a fan of the film! What are some of your favorite horror films that were either made in or are set in your home state or close to where you live?

What is the best and worst feedback you’ve received from your podcast audience?

Whenever you choose to put yourself out there onto the internet it can be a very unforgiving place even if you are a novice and don’t have a lot of experience undo your belt. I say take it all with a grain of salt, some criticism may be warranted and it can lead to improvement but sometimes people hate just to hate. Butttt it’s also a great feeling to have some truly enjoy your work and give you pops for what you’re doing! That being said I’m curious as to what is the best and worst feedback you have received from your audience and did it change how you approach things?

If you were transported to Middle Earth and had to spend a week with a certain race of beings, which one would you choose? Question

I personally think the Dwarves have the most interesting culture and we would just party the whole time.

What are the best and worst horror film remakes? Discussion

What horror film remakes do you think exceeded the originals and which ones were actively terrible/completely pointless?

These are mine (not a complete list but gives a general idea of my thought process):

Best - The Thing, Suspiria, Invasion of The Body Snatchers 1978

Worst - A Nightmare on Elm Street 2010, Pulse, Jacob’s Ladder

Do you have separate segments in your podcast episodes or do you just stick to one topic for the entire duration?

Aside from the main question, if you do happen to have different segments in the episode what would they typically be? Questions from the audience, random facts, etc.

I’m an advocate of keeping things simple for the most part but sometimes I think it’d be interesting to see if adding some extra content would increase engagement, what are y’all’s thoughts?

When did you discover Markiplier and what video made you a fan? Discussion

I’ve been following Mark for over a decade (since I was 17 I believe) and his Dead Space videos were the first ones I watched and they helped me through a pretty dark/confusing time in my life. How did you stumble upon Markiplier and what video/videos in particular made you a fan of his channel?

Damnit you’re right I didn’t even realize hahah corrected!

PS that Dexter ending was its own kind of horror

My wife talks this place up a lot but I’ve never been to it, guess I gotta go now!

I’ll have to check it out, looks amazing thank you!

What is the smartest decision you’ve seen a character make and also what is the dumbest?Discussion

After rewatching the Taking of Deborah Logan that Gavin guy just noped his way out of that whole situation just when things started getting sketchy and that’s one of the all time big brain moments I can think of a character making. What are some really smart and really stupid choices you’ve seen horror film characters make?

Best hidden gem Louisiana restaurants that you recommend? Questions

I’ll be taking my family on a little cross state road trip soon to the greater NOLA area (we are from Calcasieu Parish) and I’m wanting to try some obscure restaurants that a lot of people may not have heard of along the way. Any recommendations?

What video game would you love to see adapted into a horror film/tv series? Discussion

I personally think Bloodborne would make a great eldtrich horror series if done well, other good series I think would be Outlast and The Evil Within. What do y’all think?

I have heard a mixed bag of reviews for Riverside, although every software has its pros and cons. Not too concerned with price as long as it’s not a large one time payment situation.

Best recording/editing software for a solo podcaster?

I’ve used Audacity for quite a while now due to it being free and having a pretty simple learning curve but I feel like a change of scenery and some additional features would be appreciated at this point. I have looked into Reaper, Adobe Audition, Hindenburg Pro, Pro Tools and a few other softwares but am not quite sure which one would fit my podcast format the best. I record solo and have no interest in having a cohost or interview format at this time.

You are correct, the great Titus Telesco deserved better!

Waffle House is the Wild West, you never know what youre gonna walk into