Hate every Brenda on the planet. Fuck Brenda.

I feel like you have to explain “worship” they get. Don’t all teams have a specific fan base or group of fans that do great things for their community? Is Buffalo just getting more recognition than your team’s fan base and your jelly?

My husband was a manager at a dairy plant, his brother worked there for many years, my brother worked there. My aunt was a person that would die before buying store brand or generic anything. Hubby tried telling her a few times the store brand milk, oj, cottage cheese, etc. she bought, which came from his plant, was exactly the same as the high price brand she bought. She wouldn’t be convinced. Yup, they just changed to packaging not the product.

If the people that are talking and giving “advice” are not raising your babies 24/7/365, grin a big fake toothy grin at them, joker like smile… thank them for their unsolicited advice, literally, “thank you for your unsolicited advice “ Then turn your back to them. Period.
If they then say “I’m just trying to help”, say “I’m sure you think you are, now I hope you have the day you deserve”

Here I thought I was the only one that packed every pair of underwear I own for every trip…just in case.

Tell him he needs more fiber in his diet and he needs wash his hands. 🤮🤢

Glen and Jesus.

Fun fact. I had Jesus on the concrete crew that put in my new patio last week. A couple years younger even. But could have been his twin. I kind of “supervised” through the backyard security camera while he worked. Three days of work in hot weather, in a tank top and shorts. I may have to have the same crew put in a new front sidewalk.

Love that group. They knew their roles. Carol, the “the innocent, incapable mom” Rick back to his sheriff and sometimes off his rocker days. Rick, Darryl & Carol meeting in secret. And Carl getting to be a real teen for a minute, and a big brother, but realizing how those teens in there don’t know how it is out there.

That’s exactly what I was thinking.

My sisters and I would have been ok. But I have several nieces and a DiL that probably would not have made it. Emergency C sections and one bleeding out after vaginal delivery not once but twice. We probably would have lost several of our grandchildren.

Dollar general has good but inexpensive makeup brushes. Sorry I’m lazy. I’ll just buy more rather than clean them. Same with sponge blenders.

Which reminds me….i need to get more.

William Fichtner. He’s from my hometown. Met him the parking lot of a Bill’s game. Just walking around the lot like a regular Joe. Took a picture with me and my son. Down to earth and a great guy.

It’s always a little blurry when you’re a little drunk isn’t it?

I would love to travel by train. I’ve never been, not long distance. I’ve watched a lot of videos. It definitely looks nice. Like you, my husband has no desire for a train ride.

My grandmother would go on a cruise every year with her boyfriend. And after a couple myself I definitely get why she loved them. She did them in their “hay day” as she says. The pics are glorious.

We must be mirror couples. He only likes to travel if it’s drivable also. I love to travel any way I can. (Maybe less by bus) i kind of enjoy traveling without him because it’s less stressful, I only have to be concerned about myself. He’s not a “crowd” person.

Maine is on our bucket list. Particularly because it’s drivable. lol

Couples really do need to do things separately once in awhile. It does help. 41 years married here and we do plenty together and plenty apart. We vacation together a lot but we also take one trip, short or a week, me with my sisters or friends and him with his brothers or friends, often. It’s a needed breath.

I love cruising. We have been on two together. My husband is not a fan. So now I’m planning the next one with my sister and a couple friends. He’s all for it. And he’ll do a trip with his friends or brothers.

Your gf should do a trip with friends. Go and have a blast. Do a couple excursions. And don’t forget to buy the gf a special something or two.

Hint: read up on whatever you can find for first time cruisers.

Mini waffle sandwich. Sausage, cheese, honey, blueberries. (Sometimes eggs) Yes blueberries, don’t knock it till you try it.

Or …. Oatmeal with honey and fruit in it.

I went to grammar school with a girl whose name was Cris Kane, legal name Crismas. We were in 6th grade and her mother was due with a girl. She begged her parents not to name her sister Candy. They did.

We went to different high schools. I do wonder if her and her sister changed their first names after turning 18.

Being 60 is no excuse. I’m 60 and very familiar with Margot Robbie. Love me some Harley Quinn. Barbie was everywhere, you couldn’t avoid it. So yeah, she definitely should know the name unless she’s an old 60 and lives under a rock. She definitely should know Margot Kidder, so should grandma.

They’ve never heard of Margot Robbie or Margot Kidder? Both beautiful talented actresses. I don’t think anyone is going to misspell or mispronounce your daughter’s name. It’s a beautiful name. Their problem is that it’s not a name they would have picked. So the problem is a they problem NOT a you problem.

Enjoy your baby daughter and her name. Good luck with the pregnancy and birth.

Yeah, I feel like this is the man that would take her car and make her and the tiny people use his stink mobile.