Sitting on the side of a river with a fishing pole in my hand and thinking.

Even better if I am lightly stoned and enjoying a cold drink

I can only speak for the U.S but jobs here for literature majors are limited to things like English teacher, editor, copy writer.

Or maybe just things they just want a bachelor degree but don’t care about the major. In the army my friend commissioned as an officer with a literature major example. Or like entry level management jobs and sales could be an option too.

Got to be the inquisitor. That is like unbeatable defense. You can even push forward like a shield wall

Yeah but they started in 1933, and then the last remnants in 1973. Doesn’t seem to coincide with WW2 in either case

Richard Kind’s voice was too good to waste.

Yeah that’s the difference between Lebron and Wade. Lebron could take garbage teams to a record like that. Wade could play pretty well on mediocre team.

What if the U.S never abandoned the Gold Standard?

Would inflation still exist on similar levels?

Or would the price of gold just go up at the same level the dollar would?

Yeah of course all definitions are just constructs. If we don’t like the definition of a word for a thing’s name, call it something else

Is there a way to set an alert on usajobs for certain criteria?New Announcements

For example I want to get an email when nurse jobs in Maine are posted.

Area manager at a Fulfillment Center.

Actually my first night shift job, which I liked. I went to days there and it was worse.

Just had to run around and make sure people’s dog food got shipped. Really understaffed and under resourced though. Way too much stress for what it was. Had to really push people and I felt like be a harder manager even than I was in the military.

I will say, my night shift jobs have generally been the better ones though.

Oh damn. The transporters at my job are always really happy. I thought we were friends. I am pretty low on the totem pole too though

If you are paying your bills and not struggling financially, I would definitely stay put.

Really hard to put a price on being happy at work

It amazes me more people don’t know about this show

Aren’t all disorders and diseases illnesses? That seems like a whole another can of worms. I can’t find a clear answer or definition online.

This was the closest I could see to a definitive answer “Mental Illness...refers collectively to all diagnosable mental disorders — health conditions”,social%2C%20work%20or%20family%20activities.

Yeah that’s part of it. When I was researching it was mentioned that the term disease should be limited when discussing mental illnesses, because of the negative connotations.

That seems to be the core of most commenters reactions against the term, rather than correctness. I did not think about this initially, because to me disorder also sounds quite negative and on a lot of academic sources the terms are used interchangeably.

I think that’s why you have people saying things like neurodivergent now. I think eventually though any term for an illness will develop some negative connotations and a new term will have to be introduced.

One, she shouldn’t take out loans for medical assisting. That course is free or very cheap at a lot of community colleges. My hospital even has a program where they pay you to get that.

She should look into getting her CNA and work at nursing homes. That course is also really cheap or free. They really need people and I am pretty sure some of my coworkers in those had records. Don’t know all the details there though. If her record is still an issue, she could work as an unlicensed aide at many places.

When people talk about sheeple that’s them

Truffle oil sounds amazing. You got to slice one open for us though

I am not sure how it is in India, but if you get the prerequisite courses for medical school done here in the U.S, you can also apply other allied health programs that can result in good careers.

Physicians assistant and podiatrist for example.

Medical laboratory technologist is also a very good career if you get a degree in biology, chemistry or another hard science.

Again all of that is U.S based, but maybe can provide some ideas that translate to your situation.

I think disease and disorder seem to be pretty synonymous. I am seeing different stuff online.

This is the closest source I could find that offered a definition of the distinction.

• “Disease denotes a condition characterized by functional impairment, structural change, and the presence of specific signs and symptoms. “

• “Disorder, in contrast, denotes a condition characterized by functional impairment without structural change and, while certain disorders or categories of disorders might be accompanied by specific signs and symptoms”

So I think you are ultimately right, because ADHD and many mental illnesses don’t imply a structural change to the brain. But even something non infectious like Alzheimer’s could be considered a disease.

Is it not? Absolutely no offense intended but, Ive always seen it categorized as disease or disorder in my psychology textbooks.