By level 9 you could have enough item to evolve Q and E. You should get evolved Q by lv7 minimum.

one way of abuse is junggling thief glove since the random item is coded on the item instead of the champion. It will be always make sure your champ able to use the best item combination (no more tank item rolled on dps / vice versa) which only get through prismatic lucky glove.

Imo your friend just repeatly do the same things for 7 years, he did get his annual increment for his loyalty in the company. If he didnt think of further study in accounting during the 7 years, he has no extra value added to his daily work as leverage to justify for the rm 3.8k. Accounting standard is something you need to study for it, not some knowledge come naturally as you work.


Duh when most of people complain about mage support, they talking about xerath, lux and other damage support where their sole purpose is just provide damage and no peel to adc, which orignally a midlane champs but fail to compete thus refugee to support role. Since when people complain karma and seraphine as support, they mostly complained for being toxic and uninteractive in other role.

Edit: under LoL mage cateogory - bard, janna, lulu, milio, morg, nami, renata, sona, soraka, yuumi are also under this category. But you know when people complain about mage support, they dont refer to those champs.

To your argument, only zyra is a mage support. Seraphine & karma are considered as enchanter support. Karma constantly get nerfed as soon as her damage focused build start rising up because riot want to keep her on enchanter side instead of mage side.

Tbh a lot of mage champs kits doesnt really get changed in their core, just stats are nerfed and they unable to compete with other mid lane champs. They didnt get rebalanced judt to play as support. So yeah its like most of people comment here, support mage is just midlane mage refugee.

It is not about the champion but the support player. Even if you pick ahri / leblanc but you focus on provide cc and peel for your adc, no adc player going to complain aside from your weird pick of champ. But most of the sp player choosing mage, they will hide behind or side by side with adc which expose adc to dangers because they bring mid lane mage mindset to support role.

Uhm theoritically and realisitic doesnt go into the same sentence. Like you said theoritically is the maximum cap board you can achieve in theory but in reality you stop at 2 star. In this case, hitting 3* ashe / nau / liss is optimistic board, its hard to hit but able to with some luck. Not to deny your thought on this, just suggesting the phrase 'optimistic board' would give you a better expression.

Just a quick tip, check tft website for teamcomp. Dont necessarily play popular comp but at least check for the one you interested in playing. Storyweaver and warden doesnt go together in a comp for example.

If you are not playing the game as intended by the developer no matter how absurd they make the game and using 3rd party software to bypass, you are cheating no matter how casual the game is. If you break the TOS, then dont complain when you get banned.

You cant just pick seraphine/soraka adc however you want. Adc is one of the role that have consistent AD dmg besides top lane and ocassionally jungle carry like veigo/grave/kindred. If your team comp dont have consistent dmg and you take seraphine/soraka, it just an auto loss. Thats why adc champs still popular pick despite mage bot has higher winr rate overall.

And for my

I mean your argument is flawed. You dont make comparison with the highest and the lowest, you compare using the average.

I urge any non-support player to try and play against Keria or Beryl, for example. They are getting gapped 10/10 times

So its just like I say golf is easy, and you say lets see whether you can beat tigerwood. No shits he played professionally for decades. He would just get gapped as well if he go into other field other than golf.

I am E2 adc player and will get hard gapped by diamond adc, and by switch to support I able to push it to D4. In grand scheme of thing sure it is insignificant, but when you reach your own peak and limit, able to push for another 2 extra division is HUGE when I just switch to support because my no-hands mechanic no longer impact me as much as I playing adc.

Support is mechanical and macro forgiven for no-hands in games diamond or below which is the majority perception of easy. You pick a nautilus / rell and go dying spree in laning phase, and then you get lucky on a good engage at 30 mins teamfight and boom, the game is ended and you won. even if you lose the game, you wont get blamed too much for it because you are not the main dmg contributor. An adc have to overperform to play around a bad support or else it is a lost cause, but a support can just ditch the bad adc and just babysit whoever strongest in team and still win anyway.

well if you play starcraft 2 or age of empire, you can 100-0 as well as long as you professional enough. You can say a professional footballer might go 0-100 with random teammates even he is professional.

You cant compare both league and tft since they are apple and oranges. In league you may pick non-meta champ but there is alot more variables you can manipulate which cover the shortcoming of your champs. TFT the only skill expression is decision making, you decide when to econ or roll based on the probability and try to make the best outcome of it and thats it.

If simply googling a guide and following the guide places you in the top 30% of the playerbase, it means the rest of the playerbase isn't interested in playing that way

If you do the same in actual chess, I believe you able to reach top 30% of chess player base as well.

The correct way to play is simply not lining up with the general playerbase's vision of the game.

It means majority of the player actually dont really interested in playing chess. And riot fail to appeal to broader audience while maintain the chess philosophy.

Anything involved in competition will have meta since it is the most efficient proven by majority. Maybe you just burnt out from the required constant learning and you just want to chill for a bit.

After the nerf you need backup carry aside from syndra. Usually if I have high roll on kindred, I just keep the item on her and aim to 3 star her. Then build a BB on syndra and continue to strengthen frontline to buy more time for syndra.

You need reksai, gnar, kindred and ornn for 4 dryed where the only changeable is reksai. If you dont hit azir you continue using reksai. Annie is a good frontline even without azir for invoker. The only downside is you may not able to get 4 dryad or 7 fated at lv9.

This is just on-hit with extra steps. Instead of flat extra dmg, it just give percentage extra dmg.

But you are weak before you get to IE, large sword is 1300g, pickaxe is 875g and crits cloak for 600g which unreliable boost to your dmg.

With old kraken slayer, you get long sword for 350g then upgrade to noonquiver which help you cs tremendously. and every time you recall you can get more small items which bring small boost to you.

That is the exact tradeoff for adc for all these years before introduction of kraken slayer. Adc get big numbers with crits and the counter to it is to have a rough time farming up to IE. High risk high reward. You are glorified minion before 3 items and you carry the team after 3 items, period.

You cant have proper buildpath and big damage in 1 place. Imagine kraken buildpath is untouched, you will start snowball from 1st item till end of the game.

Vertical traits comes down to luck often as the units are irreplaceable, either you highroll and steamroll, or you lowroll and get tossed out of the game.