So for context, I play a good bit of every role on fill, with ADC, Support, and Jungle being my main roles (in that order). With this being said, I follow every *insert role here* main subreddit and you would be surprised as to how much people casually shit on one another's roles. I don't know if it is just copium or if some of these players are truly this delusional and infected with main character syndrome, but I would just like to remind everyone that if any one role is so easy, then I urge you to try and hit Challenger on it, then I will respect your claim.

The reality is that every role has its individual struggles, and there is no such thing as an "easy role".

"Top is an island and has no impact?" Exactly! You try and play the game weak-sided, counter-picked, then still stomping, just to have your team FF15 anyways.

"JG Diff, no objectives?" Maybe if JG had prio for anything, their job would be much easier.

"ADC Gap, no damage" For all you know, they were perma fighting 3v1 if they had a roaming Support and were constantly weak-sided from JG. People are aware of how difficult a Top lane counter-pick can be, but forget that ADCs sometimes LITERALLY have to spend the game 2v1 if they have a roam-heavy Sup, and are expected to do so effectively, without complaining.

This extends to every role and I am not going to write it out for everything, but you get the gist of it. Every role has its struggles, and until you've played that role to a very high level, I think we should all do our best to stop flaming each other so much. I was mainly urged to make this post because I am very active in both r/ADCMains and r/supportlol since those are my two main roles, and I get tired of each role constantly flaming one another for things they clearly have no idea on.

For example, people like to always talk about how Support has a high skill floor, which I agree on. However, they don't understand that high skill floor does not equate to easy, as Support also has a high skill ceiling. There is a reason that it is referred to as one of the most impactful roles, which comes with lots of responsibility. Put any Gold player on Support against a Challenger Bard main, and they will quickly find out how "easy" it can be. Once again, this also extends to other roles, but Support is just the easiest to make an example of. Just because Big Tonka T hit Challenger on all roles including Support years ago and called it easy, does not mean you get to shit on every Support and call them boosted, lmfao.

In the words of Rodney King, "Why can't we all just get along?"

Some of you guys are the reason I made the amazing decision to turn League's in-game chat off, and I've been so much happier since then. Rant over. Cheers.

EDIT: I meant that Support has a low skill floor but high skill ceiling. The role is easy to start and takes low skill to perform fairly well, but has a lot of intricacies at both the mechanic and macro level in High ELO.