I feel like the way crit works is pretty unhealthy and toxic for the game. Having a chance of randomly chunking or getting chunked is pretty cringe which is why I thought of an idea to rework the crit system:

Doran’s blade is now a quest item (like the support and jungle item)

Upon reaching 80 or so minion kills you absorb the item and receive its stats ( lifesteal, AD, and hp) and are given 100% crit rate.

(There could be an AD caster version of Doran’s blade except with ability haste instead of lifesteal)

All crit items now give 45% critical strike damage instead of 25% crit chance. Crit cloaks give 20% crit damage.

IE gives 60% critical strike damage

At 5 items without IE you have 225% crit damage. At 5 including IE you have 240%. If you sacrifice a crit item for defense you have 195% at 4 items including IE.

This system would make it so crit isn’t just luck in the early game BUT it still has to scale so you aren’t dropping bombs at 1 and a half items.

It also makes it to where regular bruisers who go Doran’s blade don’t just have insane crit attacks without actually investing in it.

In ultra late game you would unfortunately be sacrificing 30% crit damage that you would have now assuming you had a non crit defensive item, but I’m thinking that maybe the stats from Doran’s blade and the consistent damage scaling you have throughout the game makes up for that 30%.

You would however be rewarded for going full crit as you’d have 15% more crit damage than what we have now at full build.

I haven’t thought about how this affects the wind shitters or tryndamere yet but I’m sure the pieces will fall into place
