Years ago I had to take a week long course held at UPEI in the parking lot. No license without the course. McQueens supplied the motorcycles back when they sold motorcycles.

Maybe when the government asked anyone if they wanted a six day week Greeks nodded no or maybe shook their heads yes by mistake?

Plus as you sit there for 5 minutes waiting for the light to change you see farther up two or three light changes at the intersection. You feel like "Hello! I'm here waiting still!"

The article says touch not grope. There's a big difference in meaning and intention of the two words.

If I was in a crowded public area and my hand brushed someone's body I'd hate to think their first thought is to stab me.

at least a week.

Six days? That's a long time isn't it.

Don't forget the STR Airbnb crap that took many places off the rental market.

Why are US hospitals that generate billions of dollars having staffing issues?

They told me that at the ER when my Mom was there waiting 10 hours. Yes it depends on the situation but it would have been good to know.

And it was mainly in response to /u/rikimae528 (Hi Ricki by the way David here) it may have been better.

For Mt. Stewart I think the only solution is to enter into discussions with the bug leader and sign a treaty. The bugs rule Mt. Stewart.

As I say every time this is posted there are two nuts talking. Neither is better than the other. Both can go jump in lake for all I care.

I hope it's Rikers where he goes from what I've read at least some of his incarceration time may be there since he isn’t eligible for a minimum-security facility.

Both of them are nuts. Maxime only cares about himself too.

Wifi calling would help but Eastlink doesn't allow it, Bell does, not sure about Rogers etc (but really three companies own all).

You should consider a satellite phone. Some are not too bad of a cost per month but the minutes of user are low.

Aww shoot I forgot! I'm just getting into coin collecting and was going to go.

Then out jumps Eamon "I knew it ya fcuker!"

Dodge 2500

Kerosene would make more sense than gasoline.

Looks like maybe Yellowjacket nest if so they are far worse than any hornets or wasps. Yellowjacket will go after you if you're anywhere near a nest even 10m/20' away. I sprayed a nest once from maybe 7m/~20 feet away and one of them instantly followed the stream all the way to my hand!

Only citizens or permanent residents can legally travel and live anywhere in Canada.

There goes the argument some politicians spew that money and privatization will solve all our problems.