you pay 2 mana once to make earthcraft target anything, then you tap one of your opponents creatures and untap one of your own lands, than rinse and repeat

are you legitimately insane

do you have a list for walls combo? i'd like to look at it

exactly what i was thinking

i think that you would have to reduce it to at least 6 for it to be even somewhat reasonable

understandable, have a nice day

then {1} {B/R} {W/B} ?

Native Speaker

from the us, i don't think we have a word for this

you can also practice lip slurs while holding

Native Speaker

in american conversational english, it will get a lot of very weird looks unless specifically referencing the lord of the rings scene

they used to be, but then people decided that was bad and went to absolutely no memorization allowed, which means a lot of incoming kids know nothing about

the rules specifically say if you think it's unpopular then upvote it, why are you on unpopular opinions if you're going to downvote everything you disagree with

that has nothing to do with autism, not liking an overpowering taste is just a human thing. don't go throwing around misdiagnoses, it's not funny

the frequency of hair washing differs from person to person. oilier hair requires more attention than drier hair.