If we're talking strictly numbers... China wins, hands down. If we're talking systemic brutality, it's Nazi Germany. But if you're talking about some of the most scientifically demented shit that paved the way for our medical science to come as far as it has, it's Japan. They're a triad of fucked up but it's differences between them that psychologically fascinates me

Sharks aren't even dangerous like that, unless you're uneducated/panic. bro was just socializing my dudes, pass him the good shite and let him chill

Please, continue to tell me more about things that you don't understand. Don't worry, I'll completely ignore your next comment because it's going to be wrong while you continue to act like it isn't.

Please, educate yourself. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Videodrome. I don't know why the fuck it disturbed me so much, but it bothered me for weeks.

I hate to say this part, but it's the most important one to me: you may think that nobody cares, and maybe your family and friends truly don't. Maybe everybody around you despises you. I'll give you that.

But to claim absolutely nobody would care if you offed yourself...that's so completely wrong. You know who has it just as bad, or possibly worse, than a grieving family? The cop who was called to deal with it, thinking about their own family members they love. The paramedics who have to take care of the body, maybe trying to save their life in the process.

The nurse who has to break the news that no, it was not an accident. This was completely on purpose. The doctor who failed to save their patients life is wallowing in the pain, questioning themselves every single moment.

It's not just about the people around you, it can be the people who have to pick up the pieces from the chaos. It's not just a one time thing in these people's lives, like it is with most. It's every day, and every day it kills them inside that they couldn't do something about it.

It's hard seeing your kid dead. Even harder to see 100's of families a year, dealing with it, and having to be the one that doesnt fall apart in front of these grieving people.

It's not everybody, I know. But a therapist needs a therapist too, so it's a ripple effect that never stops or slows down.

I still feel the effects from my best friend hanging himself, and i see how other people deal with their grieving. None of it is pretty, and while others may disagree, that act is hands down the most selfish one to make. It doesn't matter how you perceive it, it's a delusion, andn the end, it's no longer your problem.

It's everybody else that is left, that has to deal with it.

So you're stupid and don't know anything about pitbulls. Got it.

Good thing your statistics are bullshit and are completely fake. Does it feel good to be a mouth breathing neanderthal?

It was made about us the moment it was a random man put into the question. How about you shut the fuck up and quit victimizing yourself instead?

You literally made it about us by using the word "random" in the question. That means any man could be there. Your statistics are being twisted because you have a childish agenda to victimize yourself. You have zero understanding of what any of the things you posted means.

It's crazy you claim that others need to act like a mature human being and to not be offended, but here you are, throwing a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat. Do you not realize how ignorant you look by behaving like this?

Quit whining and grow up. Statistically speaking, a random man is not going to hurt you in any way shape or form. There are billions of men on the planet, all completely different. Quit with your blatant misrepresentation of statistics because you don't know how they work.

Being childish like this does not but make every reasonable thing you might say become worthless. You want men to be bad people? Then keep acting like this. You'll only have yourself to blame.

Only one exception to that, my friend: hit them in the knees. That one good hit will end the fight on the spot

That part. I promise she has never met a real dom before. The right ones are the nicest and some of the most amazing people. They have to, because the things they do push the sub to their limits requires them to have empathy. But they will not stop unless a safe word is in place.

Part of the thrill of being a sub is being stuck in a fake situation where you're being "abused" without being able to reject "consent" unless the safe word is spoken. A real dom will not care how much you scream or say no. A real dom will go until you pass out, and they consider that a job well done. That is a part of the dynamic.

You're supposed to be in a safe environment that pushes you further than you "want" to go. Otherwise, it's just abuse. And a true dom does not abuse their sub. They do not enjoy that, whatsoever. They give them what they want, and both sides are supposed to get something pleasurable out of it.

People don't understand how the BDSM community works and it gives them a bad rep. It sucks, because having a BDSM fetish is one of the most normal ones out there. Practically everybody is on that spectrum somewhere.

Wow, it certainly helps for you to post an obviously not biased site for your argument! You sure proved a point with that article, posted directly on a site that clearly lied to manipulate people to follow their agenda!

You should definitely clap yourself on the back for saving the animals by supporting a company that is just manipulating you through your emotions. It's okay to not use your brain sometimes, just don't make a habit of it!

Oh wait...you don't eat meat. Or dairy. Which humans have evolved to eat. Wow...so maybe that means you just don't think at all! Crazy how somebody with zero braincells not only exists, but they actually think they're genius!

Every call of duty game that has come out gets 10 out of 10 across the board and here you idiots are, whining about a niche game that got 7-8 by a bunch of braindeads that set their expectations high enough they're always going to be disappointed.

Is it just me, or are most of you people just spoiled brats who contradict themselves every game? Good god. Pull your heads out of your cheeks and actually look at the game for what it is, not what you want it to be.

I swear, nothing will make you people happy unless it's a copy pasted CoD game, where you'll celebrate up and down for being amazing when it's the same game that game out 20 years ago.

Grow up people. It's better than you think it is. Stop being spoiled, and act like adults instead of children

He also mentioned he's a cuck with a wife that's legitimately dating a black guy, and they're best friends too! He's a pinnacle of society, sharing his wife like a whore because he supports black people.

At least be a fucking swinger. That shit is disgustingly sad.

You'd think that 5 years living in what could be considered hell on earth would have some effect on you, especially after having your entire world completely turned upside down when a psychopath kills almost everybody you knew

You'd think that the trauma that Abby had gone through would make her irrational, thereby making her decision to kill Joel even stronger in that moment.

God you people are incredibly stupid.

Jesus Christ. Have you people ever thought about deleting this entire reddit community? Not even once? It's like watching a bunch of neanderthals banging their heads together to prove their dominance.

You clearly have never once bothered to use the single braincell you've cultivated throughout your life, and it shows. If you can't even be bothered to look at the game for what it is, then maybe you should just keep your mouths shut and go back to watching your femboy hentai.

For fucks sakes, dude. Not a single one of you are saying anything worthwhile. Just give it up. It's not worth it to hate on something so much that you look completely stupid while doing it.

I'm ready to be called out for this, especially since it's been this way since the start, but too many damn moves are lows but for some reason, they decided to call it a mid or a high. I'm sorry, that uppercut that hit my knees is a low. He started as a low, and still hit me below the belt. Same how some mids are labeled as highs when they clearly didn't touch me above the shoulder.

I get that's character knowledge checks in a nutshell, but it's really annoying to have to remember the exact moveset for every character. Maybe it's just how aggressive 8 is but getting punished for blocking a mid that looks exactly like a low is hard to ignore when you get ragdolled so easily in this one.

Exactly! I love all types of women but damn. I've seen a Hispanic woman, in real life, who I thought was Asian (Phillipino?) and she looked nothing like the stereotypes we see on the regular.

As bad as it sounds, some of the women we see on AVN's should just have a darker skin tone. A lot of them would be more attractive.

Seriously dude! I got into avns about a year ago and I'm like...where's the Indian women at? Why do all black women have fat asses and bright pink lips? Why does almost every Asian woman I bang ruin my relationships?

I'm almost as white as rice but I'll be damned if I don't need a woman with melanin. Maybe it's because it's "hard" to write a POC without using stereotypes (politically or otherwise) but come on now.

They are no different than you or I so let me get in those cheeks boi

Facts. Im a dude with long hair and I make sure I don't do that 😂

I put my hair in a bun and then put my bandana on. While not as safe as a hairnet, the issue I have with them is that they make my hair untangled way faster. Same with wearing a hat.

Which is why I always make sure my bandana and hair are out of the way, enough I don't have to worry about it.

It's bad enough to risk putting hair in people's food. Even worse to do that and also get caught in a machine like this.

Dude...you're stupid. Your fake god created weed. He also put cannabinoid receptors in your brain to process it. This is exactly why you need to delete this post and go to your bullshit cult where logic and facts don't exists.

Smoking weed would bring you closer to god if you actually believed anything you claim to. I swear, people like you are the exact reason why religious people deserved to get bullied.

Full stop, right there. Absolutely nothing you've said makes any sense, especially if you actually believe the things you claim to.

God doesn't love you if this is how you're going to act. You're going straight to hell, and I'm going to laugh while you do.

Cool story bro. Any more middle eastern people you want to brutally murder because they have a different religion than you, or are you going to quit with your holier than thou attitude?

Actually, you are. You're claiming god saved you from fake carts when that is simply not the case. You are the epitome of a religiously stupid idiot.

Causation does not equal correlation. This is a thread for preventing people from dying from fake carts. When you start spouting ignorant bullshit, then you should be called out for it.

You literally make people who smoke look stupid, along with the rest of the people who agree with you. Take your religious bullshit to a different thread, and keep your posts here to something that actually makes sense.

Religious idiots like you are comedic. You claim to not harm anybody but then proceed to tell them that God can save you from dying of a collapsed lung.

Are you intentionally stupid or is this just religion rotting your brain?