Nope. It's not you. Big fan of first edition myself. Can't be bothered with the new edition.

Defiant This is a very imaginative urban fantasy game. Though it is more on the narrative side, it reminds me a lot of CoD

Angel Yep, this is the game for the Buffy spin-off. Very funny and light.

I know very little about Kingdom of Nothing, but it sounds great.

Not really burned. Scion changed to a much more narrative approach after the crowd funding phase, so I wasn't part of the target audience anymore.

Apart from that most campaigns went pretty smoothly

Alternative Rock and/or Electronic music.

Bands like Garbage, Vast, Bones UK. Or pieces from Tweakerray, Jesper Kyd and Michael McCann.

Please: no exclusive loot pools. Harder to get on easier modes, yes. Exclusive items for higher difficulties? Please no.

Can confirm. I had the same problem with my German/English settings and the same solution.

I know my own stupidity and already tried that. But no, Omen does not offer to summon Kyros for me.

I need help finding KyrosGameplay

As far as I know I need to do void dungeons and open chests to find Kyros. I did that for several hours but to no avail. Is there something I'm missing here?

Edit: I got Kyros. I did about a 10 Void Dungeons and about 15 Void Tears total until I finally found his stone in a chest from a Void Tear. It's just RNG, I guess. Thanks to everybody for their help.

Yes. And no. Some of the side quests were decent and DLC 1 was one of the best experiences I had in the whole franchise.

Yep. The "Marvel Universe RPG". It had some nice ideas.

Sea Dracula: do dance-offs.

Phoenix Dawn Command: custom card building

MURPG: invest tokens strategically

Well, in FS you collect corruption. It will get worse and worse until, in extreme cases, the whole planet you live on will turn inhabitable or you get an evil twin who will try to kill you.

Well, there are some things that are special in the setting of Fading Suns:

  • The way shields work like in Dune to have close combat make sense

  • Special races like the Vorox

  • The way theurgical or possibly Psionic powers corrupt

  • The different factions

Personally I like FS 2e a lot and wouldn't change the system. It would be easy to adapt the game in a narrative system like Fate, but I think you are more interested classic RPGs. Unbound is somewhere in between narrative and challenge focused and would probably work just fine.

Ich dachte, die Todesstrafe sei abgeschafft und Folter ist verboten. Dies "outzusourcen" ändert das nicht. Und dann gibt es Artikel 19 der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union.

Ja, ich denke, dass das klar ist.

  • Die Botschaft müsste Zugriff auf alle Wählerverzeichnisse in ganz Deutschland haben. Sie bräuchte auch die unterschiedlichen Stimmzettel aus den unterschiedlichen Bundesländern.

  • Auch von der Botschaft aus müssen die Unterlagen mit der Post verschickt werden.

  • Es fehlt der komplette organisatorische technische und wahlrechtliche Unterbau

  • Andere Länder richten im Ausland eigene Wahlbüros ein und haben dort einen eigenen Wahlbezirk. Das lohnt sich dann, wenn es dort tausende Staatsangehörige gibt. Für kleine Gruppen wäre der Aufwand viel zu groß und es bestünde die Gefahr, dass das Wahlgeheimnis nicht gewahrt bleibt.

Das dürften so ein paar Gründe sein, warum man nicht in den Botschaften wählt.

Angel has great tongue-in-cheek writing. It's s very fun read.

Dream Park has a fresh setting, even though it is an old game. The chapter "scripting the game" is a treasure for creating TV-series like sessions.

Unbound offers a unique blend of gam/nar gameplay and it is fun just creating settings with its implemented random tables.

Five new pictures

Hi, folks.

Some of you may remember me posting my humble illustrations for free use. I made five new pictures. Three are landscapes, which is new for me but I think they came out nice. The style should fit ICRPG well.

Please tell me if you like my stuff. And remember: all my pictures are free to use. The only exception: my website should stay the only source to download the pictures themselves. I trust you not to use them for something hateful or evil. If you use some of my pictures in your publications I'd like to hear about it. You don't need to, but it would make me happy.

If you like them, you may like my demon-themed illustrations, too. They are free to use, too:

Five new picturesResources

Hi, folks.

Some of you may remember me posting my humble illustrations for free use. I made five new pictures. Three are landscapes, which is new for me but I think they came out nice.

Please tell me if you like my stuff. And remember: all my pictures are free to use. The only exception: my website should stay the only source to download the pictures themselves. I trust you not to use them for something hateful or evil. If you use some of my pictures in your publications I'd like to hear about it. You don't need to, but it would make me happy.

If you like them, you may like my demon-themed illustrations, too. They are free to use, too:

Five new pictures

Hi, folks.

Some of you may remember me posting my humble illustrations for free use. I made five new pictures. Three are landscapes, which is new for me but I think they came out nice.

Please tell me if you like my stuff. And remember: all my pictures are free to use. The only exception: my website should stay the only source to download the pictures themselves. I trust you not to use them for something hateful or evil. If you use some of my pictures in your publications I'd like to hear about it. You don't need to, but it would make me happy.

If you like them, you may like my demon-themed illustrations, too. They are free to use, too:

Borderlands 3: Hellwalker. It's Doom's signature gun with a turbo. Shoots in inverted pentagram pattern.

Borderlands 2: Blockhead. a gun you get from a Minecraft easter egg. Shoots blocks that really hurt.

Borderlands 2: Swordsplosion!!! That shotgun shoots swords that explode on contact. Nuff said! XPLOSIUNNNS!!!!

As much as I like 13th Age, it is not a fiction-first game.

In the New World of Darkness they did exactly that for physical, social and mental attributes. Take a look at their character sheet and what solution they came up with:

Dream Park: play role playing gamers playing roleplaying games in a holo-deck-like theme park.

Sea Dracula: play anthropomorphic animal-lawyers in court. Instead of die rolling players do dance-offs. Yes, you read that right.


Here is a mosaic from Rome:

All Color depictions of people from ancient times in Rome or Greece that I could find depict people with a light/whiteish skin tone. That doesn‘t contradict what you say about acceptance, but shows that the vast majority of people had some sort of whiter skin tones.

In that case you still need to give those people a reason to try a new agenda, system or genre. If pure curiosity would suffice I'd wager OP wouldn't have such problems finding players for niche games.