
r/PlayWayfinder13.3K subscribers4 active
AMA with the Wayfinder Team! Wednesday 6/19 @ 2pm CT!News

Now that launch is behind us, let's take a breather to answer your burning questions about Wayfinder past, present and future! So ask away about in-game combat, lore, new systems... whatever you want!

Feel free to start posting your questions, and on Wednesday the team will begin answering old posts and new posts between 2pm-3pm CT. See you then!


  • Steve Mad: Game Director
  • AJ: Executive Producer
  • Cam: Combat and world Producer
  • Joe F: Narrative Lead


Starting now! Look for answers from https://reddit.com/u/playwayfinder

EDIT: And that's a wrap! Thank you everyone!

Pinnedby SOLIDAge:ASBlimp: [AS] Executive Producer
TIL that any character can equip any weapon.Discussion

I was playing Silo because he uses guns but I just learned that he can equip any weapon.

Do people change weapons on characters? Is it better to stay with their original weapon type or does it even matter?

Yes I’m still pretty new to the game.

Curious about getting in to wayfinder Discussion

Im curious about getting in to the game but only if i can play that new gay grendel right off the start. Is that possible or do i have to pay for him or something?

New player questionDiscussion

So I am enjoying the dot that venomess and silo have. like them both for their own other utils, but which one is better overall endgame?

Kyros QuestionsGameplay

I've been playing since echos and have been enjoying the game. However, I have some questions about Kyros as he is the main character I have been playing.

The 3rd level of siphon radiant says it increases damage taken for 10 seconds. Is that to me or enemies hit by the aoe?

The 2nd level focus affinity perk, excess orbs. What does this do? It says it increases max arcane fragments by 2 to a max of 5. I can already have 5 fragments so does this just do nothing?

Is 100% melee combat viable?Discussion

I'm level 10 with Niss and I'm having a hard time fighting bosses with the amount of very large AoE attacks they do and the multiple ground effects that the adds are generating. It rapidly becomes some kind of the-floor-is-lava gameplay and I'm just not having fun, especially given how limited my stamina is, despite being needed to run or dodge out of the AoE. And that's without any modifier in dungeons (as most of them add even more ground effects).

I've tried using her movement abilities (the dash and the one when she is suspended in the air) with limited success.

Do I need to consider ranged combat for some of these fights or am I just missing something with melee combat?

by hqz_
Elusive Truths issueDiscussion

I'm doing the elusive truths quest but the last cage to rescue the prisoner in the bone orchard requires a key. I have cleared the dungeon but can't find the key anyone know what I did wrong?

Where is the blasted Abhar Ring?Discussion

Pretty much title.

Does anybody know where to get it now?

What’s the best place to farm different kinds of spectra? Discussion

I’m honestly just wondering if anyone has a specific spot they use for the different kinds.

Wayfinder Resources For (Almost) EverythingDiscussion


Ive seen a lot of questions lately under my and other peoples videos, and a lot of threads about small questions, looking for a lot of info on drop locations, and a whole lot of other stuff.

These are the best sources we have for most drops and informations in general we have currently:

Holy Grail Google Doc (Lots of stuff)

The most detailed echo overview we have currently

The currently used and well updated WIKI (Thanks Bee)

https://discord.com/invite/wayfinder The discord server. Lots of nice people there

Bringing Eventide BackSpoilerGameplay

There are a couple of texture streaming issues on highlands, and I still want to test the expeditions and the hunt, and have a look at the overland events for eventide which seem to be disabled (required to progress the quest), but so far it looks good. Ill release this when I get some more testing done









Level 20 Ven strugglingDiscussion

I posted here a couple days ago and got some help to get Venomness and thought I'd try again. I've gont to level 20 and just got the story quest where you have to play 4 or 5 missions with 2 imbuements equipped. I did the double greed one and got my ass kicked. I bearly did any damage to the gold plated enemies and died a lot I did end up beating it though but am just wondering what was going on. They were all level 20 as well all of them hit like trucks and if it wasn't for all my DoT i absolutely could have never beat it. I put on all of the best echos I have I have my physical defense over 5000 and magic about 3000 I respec my affinity to give me more healing (kinda what saved me) and more DoT but I felt so underleveled even though everything was my level. I'm probably just gonna do side content tonight just to try and level up as much as I can. Is this like a major difficulty spike in the game? Should I be a higher level will that matter? I haven't found a lot of armor or weapons the go in Venomness is that a problem?

Edit: I did know about the Greed and lesser greed debuffs and kept them as low as I could. only picked up like 3 stacks of gold in the beginning

Imbuements should be crafted by gloomshards, not craged spectraDiscussion

Title. It's jarring that the dungeon mechanic has to be arbitrarily farmed from a low level open world as opposed to the wide scaling void expedition.

I'm farming molten spectra from solar imbuements but I have to break a perfectly fine gameplay loop to run around the highlands.

When is this game going Free to Play?Discussion

It's been ages since it's been released on Steam and since day 1 it was advertised as a free to play game. Haven't heard any news regarding that for ages.
Game is still "Mixed" on Steam, so yeah..

Any news when mythic expeditions will be released?Discussion

Right now the end game is sorely missing that type of content. It feels bad having to do lower level content to farm materials for awakening. There is also a power gap missing between the last story boss and mythic hunts.

I think the void should have a branch that's randomized and Includes all enemy types. Similar to diablo 3 rifts.

Target farming echoes Is also mundane due to some being in the open world, others in low level dungeons. The post game is currently incoherent without mythic expeditions.

Lf friends to play withGameplay

Yo i played like 10 hours this week game is so fun. I would like to find some ppl to play with. DM me and we can be friend on steam ❤️

Gameplay is so much betterDiscussion

After playing this a bit last year I kind of thought the game wasn't going to make it to a playable state with the state of optimization and bugs. I just started playing again since the update an I gotta say its playing super smooth and combat feels great. This game has a lot of potential at a base level, and honestly could translate into a casual pvp mode pretty well. I know thats a loaded subject and people dont want devs too focused on pvp balance, but something whimsical would be a lot of fun. Maybe an instanced map pvp with PVE elements.

I got some questions Discussion

Howdy folks!

Im hoping somebody knows a good way to farm glimmering verdant spectra? I’m a Ven main (since release flex when ya can) hit lvl 30 again because of Echoes, and now I’m trying to max out her awakening and admittedly the drop rate for glimmering verdinia spectra (the spectra from two flora imbuements) I’m not sure if I’m doing it wrong but I’m getting like 5 a mission and i need 110 for one memory. Feel like Ive lost the plot since the echoes update. Not a complaint btw I’m in love with the game right now whatever the DEVS did it’s scratching a long needed itch 0 regrets being a WAYFOUNDER. Sorry for the random speech.

Any and all help is super appreciated!

What is the content like in this game?Discussion

I've been playing for a few hours, killed the spider boss and unlocked the mutators mechanic. Then, I player one area with the mutator and was immediately sent to replay a second area with the mutator. I was liking it, but rehashing content so soon felt really bad.

Honest question: are there longer dungeons and areas more complex than the codex halls?

are "heroic" characters still a thing?SpoilerDiscussion

I did some searching but couldn't find anything, I know there was a heroic Kyros that you could buy, and farm for other heroic characters. but i cant find anything, was it removed in the echoes update? i only started playing recently with a friend.