Not quite true. Grammatically it's often used to represent the omission of (presumably irrelevant to the current topic) words from a sentence. For instance I could quote you and write, "anyone you know... is a fucking idiot".

Conversely it can also be used to convey an unfinished thought. I guess this guy doesn't think things through lol

Ensnared by Tiffany Roberts is what I was thinking of. Thanks!

Hmmm well there's

Kraken by Lilian Lark

Serpent's Touch by Marina Sincoe

The Duskwalker Brides series by Opal Reyne

The Tenebris series by Kathryn Ann Kingsley

Cursed Opal by Kathryn Ann Kingsley (part the cardinal winds series-- all of them are good but this is the only one that's monstrous)

The Unseelie Duke by Kathryn Ann Kingsley

Those are some ones that I've really liked, but I know there are more out there like the one with the arachnid guy that's supposed to be really good but I can't bring myself to read.

Depends on how you define monster, I guess.... I have a few that come to mind.

I quit Facebook years ago. It was one of the best decisions I made. Reddit feels no different to me.

Am bipolar. Can confirm that breakdowns do look like that. What's worse-- major events, especially negative ones, can cause an episode; even in someone who is medicated/considered stable.

It's a constant juggling act.

My brother eats like that. It's unsettling.

Fuck trying so hard not to wake my husband up laughing.

Bought a market shop one. Started building it and realized that I don't have the fine-motor skills because my hands shake :(

Totally agree! I started working as soon as I was able and I feel like I really missed out on some things because I wanted to be more adult and work instead.

The worst part was that they didn't care if you got too mutilated to work. They'd just replace you with another child.

Had a dog like that. She went blind later in life and couldn't see us hiding the pills anymore so she ate them!

How did you convince them to do it? My doctors just give me frowny disapproving faces and tell me that I'll regret it.

I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.

Also not counting the 3 hours reading guides to make sure you install more complicated mods correctly and in the right order.

Forcing myself to do a mage play through right now (with mods). I'm having a bunch of fun but it definitely feels more difficult in a lot of ways.

Yeah for me now it's usually just meat and produce and some yogurts of I'm lucky.

I don't even really like cats that much but I have one because she adopted me. I take care of her and love on her and stuff. I can't imagine just abandoning her no matter my disinterest in having a cat. I don't know how some other people can be so cruel.

I have intense fear of death. I think about it many, many times a day.

The romance book sub hates Colleen Hoover lol