Graftussy changed me as a person

The fucking Facebook, what did you expect?

Graftussy changed me as a person

Yep, 100% agree

Graftussy changed me as a person

Well, that's whole another story

I'd kill for RGG to bring back Shinada or at least Tanimura

Graftussy changed me as a person

The difference is that in Dark Souls 1 we are either rekindle the flame or make someone else do it for us

In Elden Ring we have 6 endings and it's not particularly clear as to how tie them together

Graftussy changed me as a person

Litteraly mecha battles but in middle ages fantasy

Graftussy changed me as a person

It didn't feel like I completed an epic journey. It felt like I was a side character

B-but... The w-world doesn't revolve around yo-ou, it's peak game design you don't understand it smh😨😨😓😓


Sometimes I think that FromSoftware fans just doesn't play anything aside their games

Graftussy changed me as a person

Saying that Demon Souls competed with like any TES game (let alone Skyrim) is like saying that taxi mini game in Yakuza 5 competes with Forza Horizon 5

I was talking specifically about VP tho

And that was like an eternity ago

Graftussy changed me as a person

Yesterday I saw someone saying that spirit ashes are like deflect from Sekiro aka necessary

Today I see that they are on the same level as shields (aka very bad)

Souls community being fucking braindead as always

Make it deal physical damage and you won't ever need another persona

I have a reverse situation. I don't really like "free music" because it always feels like it lacks something

I don't really have that much video game tracks in my playlist that doesn't include any sort of words in them. To be honest those that are a fucking bangers. Litteraly cannot get enough of Jack A Dandy and Tenebro Rosso Sangue

Only DMC fans can put DMC3>5 and DMC5>3 in a single fucking thread about hot takes

It brought many people to the series tho. I personally booted up DMC5 for the first time because of these memes and soundtrack. Although I must agree that they definitely needed to die long ago

Graftussy changed me as a person

I didn't think so

Does that imply that now he knows that they in fact have beaten Radahn?

If you lose the message of the game from a remake, then there is a problem no matter how small it is, because its talking about death and solitude and loss

where exactly did it lost the message of a original game? Because of slightly brighter colours? (We don't talk about green filter, it is awful and even I can say it)

I am personally a pretty new to Persona series in general (played P4G like 7 months ago as a first game for me). Because of that I didn't play niether P3 FES or P3P, so my only experience with the story is P3R.

Even with all the issues with P3R presentation I enjoyed almost every second of the game. It still wonderfully talks about death

Saying things like that is undermining the reason a remake exists, a remake of a goddamn popular title no less

Is there actually any remakes that somehow scratch the same feeling about original game's atmosphere/tone without drastically changing presentation? Withouth big changes developers cannot really please the players like you who want the same childhood feelings but already know everything about the game

Basically you practically cannot get the same excitement from a story that you already know without changing something about how it looks/how is is played.

Like, I remember playing Dark Souls 1 for the first time and jumping into Blighttown. I was fucking scared, and no remake in the world will be able to recreate that feeling of CBT I felt, unless they change the area in some way (new paths, new enemies, or simply change lighting)

Graftussy changed me as a person

How did you get spoiled out of this but not like any other meme on the sub

Btw sorry, I expect you to fucking kill me

You don't really need rakunda if you kill everything before casting it

Junpei bros stay on too as always

My man got that half screen health-bar from Elden Ring

Bait used to be believable

Yes, reload is recent and HD, I understand that, but...i didnt feel fear, I didnt feel intrigued

Probably because you won't feel fear from a game that you already played years ago? People are pretending that the same thing but in HD will scratch the same feelings as their childhood game did

Graftussy changed me as a person

i think there has to be some soulslike like that so i think you should search for those

Honestly speaking I almost never had any good experience with souls likes. The emphasis on "almost", because Lies Of P is fucking peak. I genuinely haven't had as good of an experience from Souls-like or even Souls-borne as I did in LOP

That's actually the game where I tried more weapons/builds than in every FromSoftware game combined lol

i just wanted to point out that this design wouldnt really work in the subgenre

DS1 imo kinda had that aspect of preparation for a boss fight. Some part of that feeling was achieved by absence of teleport I think.

For example when you are going into Blighttown you actually need to prepare for it (anti toxic moss, shield, armour with great poison & toxic & fire resist)

Unfortunately that aspect of the game completely dies out on the second playthrough because you just steamroll everything with Zwaihander

Graftussy changed me as a person

It was kindaaa there imo. I personally felt the most urge to "prepare" for a boss in DS1. But yeah, it still can be steam rolled pretty easily