I got through the first 2 books then like half way through the third just watched a video of someone explaining the plot so I could know how it ended

I usually try and do little tasks to keep it pretty from the beginning but I do major reorganizing/decorating around winter year 2 when I can afford to get most of the buildings and such I want and my fields are usually empty so I can easily move that too

DNF at 15%

I've always had a tendency to do this and it drove my mother crazy! I still kinda do it now like I'll have one ebook, one physical, and sometimes an audiobook. I just have to make sure they're all like different genres so they don't get mixed up in my head

DNF at 15%

It always just feels badly written and I hate when a baby is used to force people together which makes me hesitant to start most of them.

DNF at 15%

There are so many where I get the vibe they're just trying to profit off of how big she is right now. Like if you're entire marketing and the main character's whole personality is a singer I'm not reading the book. Ive already reached the point where even if the synopsis is maybe interesting, if the title is a TS song reference I skip it.

DNF at 15%

I read the first book after watching the first two seasons to try and determine if I wanted to read the test before their perspective seasons The conclusion I came to was I hated the books and if I read them first wouldnt have ever considered watching the show. They were quite different though like it would be easier to list what was the same than what was changed (mainly in the characterizations) but in this case it was a good thing in my opinion

DNF at 15%

I have a bad habit of reading all but the last book of a series 😅

Letting tags be split into main/background pairings would make filtering so much easier. It's a pain when you have to scroll past a million fics of "main pairing you don't want to read" that have the preferred pairing also tagged. But I'm always hesitant to exclude it completely because I usually don't mind them as a background pairing and you can miss good stories that way. 🥲

Ill admit I used to add fanfics I read to Goodreads/storygraph so I could count them towards my reading stats. But then I saw writers say they were uncomfortable with it so I immediately stopped and did what I could to remove any trace of the ones I did Because theyre doing it for free and I wasn't about to risk pissing them off so they stop publishing them 🤷🏽‍♀️ easy

DNF at 15%

{The Score by Elle Kennedy} I really enjoyed the first books in this series so had high hopes going forward. But then there's some iffy consent that just immediately turned me off the main couple And that's just the kinda thing that I can't move on past. Ended up dropping the whole series so I wouldnt have to read mentions of those two being together.

I've never seen anyone else ever mention that scene as an issue though so I guess it's just one of those deal breakers I'm more sensitive about than most 🤷🏽‍♀️

I still do the base on my writing in a notebook, because it feels the most natural. Then I'll transcribe it into word to split chapters and such before inevitably never actually posting it anywhere

It's always a lot more noticeable when common words are reused during writing than it ever will be while reading. Unless you're writing every sentence "he does this. He thinks this. He says this. He does this" it won't be noticeable to 98% of readers (and the 2% who will are the snobby kind you can ignore imo)

DNF at 15%

There's a lot of books where I skim the end because it's just disappointing after the build up. I count it as finishing the book though 😂

she👏drove👏away! Everybody👏saw👏it!

Went through an Obey Me phase and they have that kinda set up. Got out of my phase real quick when my phone broke and I lost all my progress because I couldn't get the code (luckily I never spent actual money on it but losing the limited time event items still stung)

Length of the showAvril Lavigne

Hello! I'm going to the Phoenix show and was wondering if anyone would be able to let me know about when the show ended? :)

I prefer the Anti Hero ft Bleachers remix better than the original

knows where the search bar is, will not share

There are some stories people should just keep in their heads tbh. Like the internet didn't need to hear that

It's not one id consider the scariest while watching but to this day seeing anyone sticking anything out a window while driving gives me massive anxiety

Whoever has the highest relationship with their parents usually

DNF at 15%

That looks like something I would have thrown together during my "cover designer" days in Wattpad 💀😂

This is what entering the Marvel section of AO3 for the first time is like too. So many stories, every pairing imaginable, everything is technically some sort of crossover

I mix in my berries the night before and let it sit, they end up flavoring and sweetening the yogurt