And just like that, we’re back to dead battery videos…..

Trump supporters aren’t going to know how to feel about this….

Well….it’s 110 degrees outside today in Northern CA. I know that I’m not riding a motorcycle.

The KLR has always been the go-to zombie apocalypse vehicle. Let’s not try to reinvent the wheel here.

It has been done by many riders over the years. With that said, it is a death sentence riding 447 with the amount of people heading to the burn. The only safe time to do that route during the burn is when/if the traffic is so bad that it’s backed up all the way to I-80. You would be going as fast as the traffic at that point…..

Not going to happen. But man would that be epic if this kid pulled it together this weekend!

I swear I thought she was going to plug her nose!

Dude brought a knife to a gun show….

I’ll take “crash videos” over “dead battery videos” any day….

Currently a $2500 bike max. If you choose to sell it in the current condition, expect to get bombarded with $1500 offers. It’s worth more then that.

Its your choice to do the repairs or not, but a couple things to keep in mind:

Some people with advice in these comments have a lot of knowledge about repairs or are very mechanical. It’s not always quick and easy to repair though. Really try to consider how much time it will take you and what effort to repair all this. It will help with your decision.

“He didn’t get fucked”

I think you kind of explained exactly how MM got fucked by his team….

Plumbing is only rough when you’re inexperienced or bad at the job. The only time I was slow and couldn’t find work was when I was more of a laborer. I now run my own solo company and turn down work almost every week. With that said, I’ve been plumbing for 21 years and my body is getting pretty upset with me. I’m turn 40 next year….

Shoulders are pretty much done and I can’t recover easily when minor injuries happen. It’s obvious to me now that I worked too hard when I was younger. I wish I would have stood up for myself to bosses that took advantage of me. I truly didn’t deserve some of the treatment I got.

You know the dude in the green shirt is ready for an anything…..he put his Crocs in adventure mode!

Now that is the perfect first bike! Used and already has a little road rash so that you don’t have to get all pissed off at yourself if you tip it over. You didn’t break the bank either I bet. Use it as the rad little tool it is and have fun perfecting the craft of riding two wheels!

Do all your pics look like someone has a finger up your ass?

-24ish days. 4500 miles. Left California and rode up to the Canada/Montana boarder and rode the US section of The Continental Divide to the border of Mexico/New Mexico. Then home.

-21 days. 1800 miles. Rode the entire Baja peninsula to attend a wedding near Cabo. Lots of off-road on that too.

-15ish days. Unknown miles riding from CA to Minnesota and back. Blew a head gasket day two on my 79 Honda Goldwing. Did a head gasket job in the motel parking lot. On the trip back my dad fell over in Yellowstone and broke his collarbone. He road all the way home to CA with that broke collar bone… legend!

-Damn, I’ve done some epic trips and this makes me want to do another! Haha