Oh yeah. During an attack, it's like I'm constantly fighting it and trying not to "crumble". So once it passes, my body lets go and I'm weak as all hell. Zero energy left, too tired to eat, very zoned out, etc.

Definitely a scammy product. It's just a mix of vitamins they probably googled and electrolytes.

The entire village rejoiced at the news of my septuplet pregnancy.

It usually takes much longer to harvest so much tender meat.

I wouldn't be surprised! My cat doesn't have other cat friends, but whenever he asks for treats and I say, "You're getting too tubby my guy", he looks at me like he's thinking, "Look who's talking b****" X)

I see what people mean, but I love Jeremy. I love having the different types of TMs!

Honestly, I couldn't care less about Karen herself. If at any point in the future, they DO prove that she did it beyond reasonable doubt, I'd absolutely be okay with her going to jail.

But they haven't done that. My whole thing is that the cops involved and their families/friends are extremely awful and corrupt people. The cops are also extremely incompetent and unprofessional. And all their arguments are so weak, have holes and the judge did not seem unbiased.

ANYONE could be the next Karen Read and it's not fair to anyone to have such useless cops involved, especially when we're talking about a suspects life and a victims justice. Karen just happens to be the face of this because it's all coming to light with this trial. Would've been the same no matter who was in her place.

They might and they have. But unlike Instagram and Twitter, Cara doesn't allow it and will take action when found.

Yeah, the serving sizes are as they are in the spreadsheet! I know they're still just approximate numbers πŸ˜… Which is why I'm trying to go by weight and label calories.

For ex: Yesterday I fed him (all approximate numbers)

  • 2 3oz cans of friskies shredded food (81 cals and 78 cals each on labels)
  • 3 1/8th scoops of dry food (151 cals)
  • 3 dry treats (2 calories each)

Total - 316 calories but, he didn't finish all of it. He doesn't eat all his dry food, even though I note down the entire amount I gave him. And he leaves tiny amounts of wet food as well.

And really? Regular Churu is the one thing the vet said is ok to feed, a tube a day, since they're low in calories at 6 calories each. And that it's better than dry treats/food. Even so, we only give him one a week as a treat during his weekly nail trimming. I can't imagine one churu lasting that long here X)

Aah, I'll up his calories a bit more! Thank you! I'm glad I asked here. And the 1-2% of body weight per week calculation puts him at 0.19 - 0.38lb loss per week max. He lost a little over that but I don't want to cross or toe that line. In between should be good. Thank you!! :) I definitely don't want it this fast πŸ˜…

Hahaha you're the first person to ever say that and I'm thinking you're right X) It is a bit tiny!

This is so so so much more meaningful!

Edit: I do check the calories for each individual food can because they are vary and also measure the dry food in weight! I guess my main question is - does 280 calories sound too low, compared to his resting rate of 353? He'd be in a 73 calorie deficit per day and that seems a bit much at once?


Oh yes, I've already calculated the calories and the individual food labels calories and put them in the post/pics :D

His RER is 353 calories and for weight loss, it calculated 280! I was just wondering if it's too less or if I should go about it slower. It's been 8 days and he's lost 0.4 lb and I'm just worried it might be too fast?

And haha I'm trying! I'm trying to get him to be more active as well, but he gets bored of toys quickly. So trying out different stuff.

It's ok to be bad at art for a while. Just keep learning, keep practicing and you'll see improvement gradually.

When I started taking my art seriously, I was BAD. Like, awful. Took about a year to see proper improvement, with constant drawing.

Exactly what I was thinking. If they're fine other than the genie induced coma, they'll just wake up. And the lottery can mean any amount.

Me. Not necessarily from the pain though, more from the pressure and dizziness. It does help

Thank you! I drew this digitally :) on procreate

Uh.. not only leave him, but do it quietly and get to a safe place IMMEDIATELY. If he's desperate and angry, it could get dangerous

Honestly, I'd suggest reworking both of them. The ideas are cute! Especially the dog. But it looks awkward in that position imo. It might work better with a more flowy, longer tail, than a shorter one since it looks like a stick or something coming out the butt.

And the one with the hands (paws?), is quite wonky. The foreshortening is definitely hard to do.