In religious readings, selective interpretation often omits controversial parts, catering to current beliefs and values

Who juggles life better: circus or marriage? Asking for a friend

True. It's so frustrating that they dodge accountability by blocking critics.

Agree, OP deserves peace in her own home. They should find a better environment for her stepdaughter's needs.


They probably have my missing socks too. Mars is a black hole for lost stuff!

Yes, the extent of this guy's foresight is astounding. Amazing, doesn't leave hope for the rest of us

Thank you; I'd like an armchair with two autocrats.

Regretfully, a light display was scheduled in exchange for entering the stadium. Anirudh aa baap's Ngal the new antem.

They all appear to be children who were made to attend a family gathering.

First you probably want to have a loot filter installed. It makes finding chrome items 10x easier.

Pretty much what you do is sell rare items for alteration shards which turn into alteration orbs and chromatic(at least 1 of each color linked) items for chromatic orbs.

Once you get a lot of those you can sell them here for chaos:

Then once you have chaos orbs you can use them to buy items from . Check out the unique bow lioneye

Alterations/Chromes aren't the only orbs worth selling but they are the most reliable. You pretty much want to trade all the orb drops you get for chaos then trade the chaos for items you want.


You need life nodes. Iron grip probably isn't worth the points endgame.... it definitely isn't worth them now. It's probably giving you under 20% additive dmg boost. You also have crazy amount of mana regeneration nodes. You shouldn't need it. Mana leech from passives should be enough for 4L stuff. Frenzy is a particularly expensive skill. IMO look into doing a 4L tornado shot and you can use that for AOE and bosses.

I don't know what you want to do for your final build but there is the same amount of points with 2x the life and probably similar dps

edit: Learn to use Sell rares for transmutations and chromatic items for chroms ingame. Trade those for chaos on There are some AMAZING items you can get for 1-5 chaos that will carry you through to the endgame. You can get pretty decent gear using just doing this. Any extra currency drops are just gravy.