Try bigger condoms. If they are too tight that tends to overwhelm any sensation.

And if that's the problem, congrats!!

Forget the fact that he is atteacted to other women. Lots of us manage to be.faithful partners despite being attracted to lots of other people. And forget the fact that he is attracted to her. He can't control that.

Look at his actions. He is either treating her appropriately for their respective ages and situation, or he is not.

Forget all the bullshit, OOP got laid. I need to know what kind of scotch his friends were saving up.

He sounds like a genuinely solid guy with a solid peer group. OOP is going to be just fine.


I wouldn't respect a guy who didn't help take care od his family. And your sister and her child are your family.

As for walking her down the aisle, your wife is way off base. Her jealousy of your neice is actually pretty toxic and she is the one who needs to do some self reflection.

Has your daughter complained about this at all?

You're the one making it about the wedding.

You crested a reddit post titled "Should I cut off my best friend for not inviting me to her wedding."

Gentleman here. When I have to fart in bed I'll stick my ass out of the blanket and fart away from her direction.

Or if we are on the couch I'll get up and walk a short distance away and blast one.

God she is such a lucky girl.

I.dont get it. Neither she nor her partner are inviting anyone other than family? And you've decided to make that about you?

Resignation. And if they don't find any, they'll put it there themselves.

I just answered my kids questions honestly whenever they asked them. They were fully aware of the basics by 8.

People are conditioned to think that talking about sex is awkward or taboo because that's what they were taught. If you don't teach your kids to be awkward about it, they will just treat it like any other subject.

There are multiple issues here.

In terms of him having a friend over while you were gone, that doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Obviously it is a big deal to you, but it's not clear that he would have known that. Your reaction to it is based on your subjective experiences, and it's perfectly valid, but it's also not at all typical in my experience. So I would say you probably are overreacting.

But everything else you've said about this relationship makes it sound like you have your own doubts and reservations completely separate from this issue. I would suggest that if your guy has a history cheating and you don't trust him not to do it again, this relationship is doomed. Without trust there is literally no point.

Like just strolling up and hitting on me unprompted? Virtually never.

But flirting if I'm talking to them at a party or event? Much, much more frequently.

I didn't propose anything. I am simply pointing out that it sounds like this request would achieve the opposite result from what she wants. That's all counterproductive means.

What are you talking about? I didn't say anything about dignity.

OP wants him to communicate so she will know he is close and she can help him finish. Which is very nice and reasonable.

But OPs partner says that talking will take him out of the moment, and make it harder to finish.

Ergo, if OPs partner is telling the truth, then doing what OP asks will have the opposite result OP is seeking, and is therefore counterproductive.

ETA - also, thank you re cake day!

If henis telling the truth and communicating would take him out of it, then isn't your request counterproductive?

Sounds like Claire didn't give a fuck what anyone thought or how anyone felt until somebody finally told her off. I guess you should have told her off sooner instead of waiting 5 months for your wife to do it.

Claire isn't a baby. She knows that ahe is bothering people, and she also knows that you will never do anything about it. If you aren't going to prevent her from acting this way, you're forcing others to do it for you. You don't get to do that and then complain about it.

She owes your wife an apology, and so do you. You are one of those feckless ineffective parents that make everyone else hate dealing with kids. Do better.


What he did sucks. But how can we know whether it is because he is an AH or just reacting badly to grief and trauma?

Only you can know that, because only you know him.

It doesn't sound like any of those things are problems. But if cats were a problem then OP.could take those to the pound too.

As for deer and rabbits - I know plenty of people who absolutely would shoot them.

Your question is nonsensical. The age at which a person can globally give consent is literally the definition of not being a child.

If you're asking when a child can consent to a particular thing notwithstanding that they are a child, then you need to specify what thing.

But if you're asking a general question about "consent", in 2024, everyone is going to assume you meant sexual consent.

But you already know that. You can't possibly be this obtuse, and if you were then you wouldn't be so butthurt about this.

So either you genuinely are a creep or, much more likely, you are a troll. In which case well done, since plenty of people seem to be buying it.


She cheated and isn't in a position to complain.

But what you did is unacceptable. If she is hiding her phone and you thinks he is cheating, the thing to do is leave.