I’m confused, emotional tired and drained, angry. I have never had this happen to me before, I might have almost been sexually assaulted? I don’t know what to think but I do want to stop thinking about it.

Recently I was at work sitting at my desk, and the regular post man comes to deliver mail. Im 21 and he’s somewhere between 60-70’s, and we talk occasionally about our days and then he usually leaves. However, he informed me that tomorrow was his last day of working, and he would like a picture of me and him. So I agreed, thinking it was just something he would like to remember after he retired, and before we took the picture, I put in my phone number so he could send it over to me. He came over to my desk shortly after and we posed for the picture, where he put his arm uncomfortably around my back, which I let slide because it was just for a good bye picture. And then after the photo he learned in and tried to kiss me, so I said no, and stepped back, putting my hands up. And he said, “it was just a goodbye kiss.”

I was confused and disgusted, I don’t know if I’m over reacting, because as soon as it happened and he left I tried to go back to work but immediately ran to the bathroom and started crying to the point I almost threw up.

Edit: for context he IS a stranger, I only talk to him about 2-3 minutes weekdays and sometimes he comes early enough where I don’t see him. I thought he wanted a picture and agreed to it because he wanted to save it for just fun memory purposes, and I thought it was wholesome at the time. I didn’t expect him to turn and try to kiss me, and yes he was aiming near my lips. He’s also definitely not Italian.

Update: I got the footage today at work, and am going to try to send it to the city’s authorities he is moving to, just in case, so that maybe they can keep watch on him. It was weird because I had to go through a few loops to get this footage because for some reason they didn’t want me to have it. My supervisor was paranoid and said something about not posting it on social media, but that doesn’t mean I can’t talk about what happened. The people in management were very helpful but I did feel a bit awkward going in because they knew they couldn’t really do anything, and I knew I technically couldn’t do anything, so it was just a creepy situation. He clearly came up on me very fast, and it didn’t help that I have problems in the past with men. Not only that, but I’m clearly very gay at work. I’m just gonna take this as a learning experience like you guys said, and try to think ahead when people like this are overly nice.