I can live entirely off the grid for the rest of my life and millions of tonnes of pollution will hit the ecospheres.

The shame and scorn game does a great job of making you feel better, but it's not helping.

We cannot swim against a tidal wave. We are out here living, we did not make the world the way it is, and we have little chance to change it.

The elites don't care, and one of them does thousands the damage and of us does.

I'm not saying we don't try, but I am saying that we don't deserve ANY of this blame.

I don't understand why the onus in this group constantly has to be on the consumer.

It really feels holier than thou sometimes, it really does.

10 posts attacking humans trying to live, 1 post attacking the structural issues at the heart of the consumption and pollution problem.

We are not the problem, OP. The Oil&Gas industry is the problem. Save your scolding for who deserve it.

Therapy for him, therapy for you, therapy for the two of you.

I myself would be at war with this man, every single time he made a crack I would make him regret it.

40s Female

Yeah, this is crazy how many of these lately

It's either karma farming off the back of a popular trope, or people are noticing these posts and comparing them to their own lives

And Generation Z seems to have absolutely no idea you can break up with somebody when the relationship isn't working.

40s Female

You know you don't have to put his feelings above your own, right?


You're out here on fire worrying if he is warm enough, and you need to stop.

The reason nothing has changed is that you have left him all the space in the world to remain the same.

When he reacts negatively, you immediately back off and spend your energy worrying about hurting his feelings.

But none of this is being reciprocated, don't you see that? You're making ALL these excuses for this unemployed dirty loser you're dating, and he's making NO moves in your direction.

And you're not pressing the issue, so he thinks you don't have an issue. He's going to intensify this pattern of behaviour because there is absolutely no reason in the world for him not to.

Are you a doormat? Are you his mother? Are you his bangmaid?

No? Then stop acting like it. Take up space in your life. Make demands of his behaviour, and maintain your boundaries.


How do you think paper exists?

I live where paper is made, I've been in the plants, I've stood in the clear cuts.

It's a very polluting industrial process that causes the entire town to stink.

I understand a device will be made of polluting materials, but at least you don't throw it away after one use?

Can you use an after shower spray in your hair? Maybe a leave-in conditioner would work for you?

Oh my God why have I never thought about it that way!


I mean, it will. Go look into what rock bottom means. Cocaine addicts have rough rock bottoms because cocaine is so expensive and so addictive.

Just please go learn about what cocaine addiction is and does. Your husband doesn't really exist right now, he's a shell for cocaine. Everything he does and says right now is as a result of his addiction.

You need information. You're in trouble. I'm worried about any money you have shared with him. I'm worried about your credit rating and your financial future. People get financially ruined by their spouses' addictions every single day.

He's a cocaine addict.

The socializing and extroversion is the excuse, not the reason.

He can't stop. He won't stop. He'll bankrupt you both, he'll lose his job, his friends and his family. He's on his way to his rock bottom.

There's nothing you can do to change any of this, it's already done. He's an addict and he's using classical tactics of distraction and rationalisation. His extroversion gives him a good ability to be persuasive, many cocaine addicts are excellent at hiding it until they can't anymore.

Cocaine is very, very, very expensive. Do you really realize how much money is going up his nose every weekend? You're not in the drug scene, so you don't have an idea of the costs involved. He's spending thousands of dollars every single weekend.

Do you have the money to be putting several thousand dollars up his nose every weekend? How's his bank account looking?

40s Female

I mean, he's raped you 3 times.

The fact that you were not fighting him does not change that you did not give consent. You were quietly raped, instead, that's why it was horrible.

This man is garbage. I don't care how he is the rest of the time, it's the shit sandwich problem again. If you make me my favorite sandwich exactly how I like it and only put a TINY bit of poo in it, I am going to throw that whole sandwich away.

You need to throw this whole man away.

40s Female

I'm sorry, I guess I had a busy couple of months and didn't notice that every single man on Earth but one has dropped dead and that's why you're putting up with this stupid shit.

You know you don't have to keep him, right?

It's cheesy but The Blair Witch Project genuinely fucked me up.

I didn't in any way ever believe it was real, I always knew it was a film.

But there were some ideas and some shots in that movie that just chilled me to the bone, I slept with a light on for 6 weeks afterwards and I slept with my face towards the door so I never had to wonder what was behind me. I usually sleep in pitch blackness on the other side.

40s Female

If you're happy to be with a sexist who thinks all women are w(hores) and are only good for breeding, then stay.

All women is you, too, by the way. He doesn't think you're in a separate club. He thinks he can control your flaws well enough, and you're a high value woman. He'll spend his life breaking you, breaking your daughter.

He hates women. It's not hard. This is his deepest understanding of the world. People can have true change on that deep a level, but not often.

So the question is whether you want to be a Good Wife. Do you want to sit on a pedestal? I'll warn you, it's very small and uncomfortable, but if you ever fall, he will tear you to pieces. The jeans were only the beginning.

Up to you. Lots of women have chosen that life, after all. Maybe they're happy. They are not free.

Grey's Anatomy is a show with its ups and downs, but one of the things I really liked about the early seasons was this understanding that doctors are socially isolated nerds who do nothing but study for 15 years of their lives and as a result they don't human very well a lot of the time.

You need to start figuring out alone time on your trips, trust me.

I know you feel the pressure to be sociable, and it sounds like you have a slightly codependent boyfriend, but you have to be able to create and enforce that boundary that you need a little alone time every single day.

You do this for them, oddly. Because you're an introvert and you need that time to recharge. If you don't take it, you're giving everybody yourself with no energy, no enthusiasm, no joy. So you're not giving your best self.

If you take an hour or two, you spend less time by an hour count, but the time together is more valuable because you are more present and able to be filled with happiness and fun.

Please don't feel bad about protecting your energy. You are the only person who will care for that part of you, so you have to be assertive about your prerogative to care for yourself. Which you absolutely have, right? We all do!

The people you love should want you to be happy. If you can explain to them this is how that happens, they should want to play along with that and give you that time.

If not - if you're explaining you need that time to recharge and be your best self and they are fighting that - you have to ask yourself why they don't want you to be happy as much as they themselves want to be happy. It should be equal.

Man, I wish I had ever in my life smoked marijuana as good as this guy must have smoked before posting this.

Oh, man.

I don't get mad often anymore. I've seen some shit since 2007. Social media has degraded my opinion of humanity to a very pessimistic level.

But this guy....

Bleach a bloodline?

FUCK this guy!

Robot Jox 1989

This movie is hilariously terrible. I watched it one time 35 years ago and I still remember how bad it is!

You need to go touch grass, my guy.


You need to go outside and look at a tree where it grows.

You have been online WAY too much and your brain has rotted out of your goddamned head and you're out here making a fool of yourself.

Put the fucking shovel down, bro. You have already dug 6 feet down.

40s Female

This is him, he's baked, he's set, he's a finished grown-up. He doesn't like keeping himself clean.

Do you want to live with that?

Because that's what he is. He won't change, slobs never do, they merely intensify over the years.

You are going to be responsible for ALL the cleaning, ALL the laundry, all domestic decisions, all emotional decisions. And I am older than dirt and I have never seen a man like this change for his woman. Just my experience, but in all the people I've known in all these years, never. Not one.


I'll take "Comments That Should Have Stayed Inside Thoughts" for 1000, Alex.

Yeah, I was a teacher and I concur.

Teachers become teachers for all kinds of reasons. Some people do it because they love education as a principle, that was me, some people do it because they love kids, some people do it because it's a steady job with a pension.

Some people do it so they can be the only person with power in a room full of children. They like the control and the authority and that's why they do it.

Humans can be nasty, gender doesn't have much to do with that basic fact, just often the presentation.