Who is the audience for this? My answer would depend on if the audience is external or internal. Internal I would be honest but also provide recommendation for new data collection protocols next product line. If external I would be honest about the lack of enough data to make a perfectly informed analysis and include what data would be required to increase confidence.

LOL, I’ve had the same thing happen but with an adult yellow sac spider (she was huge and you couldn’t see her until she fell - they say yellow but they’re really more like transparent). Anywho, ever since then (1.5 years ago) I literally shake out every fucking towel before I use it.

I have buddies throughout the company that I’ve made in my position as a relationship builder. No one says you can only be friends with your direct team. Shoot, call up the lady in Purchasing and see if she wants to grab lunch.

Yep, if they’re super susceptible to propaganda, feeding them more 2025 data might entice them to vote GOP. It really depends on how well they can parse through all the dog whistles littered throughout.

That’s not what Oliver does. His entire effort is to get info to the public in bite size pieces because he says people don’t read the news anymore so they’re ridiculously uninformed - and it’s true. I actually listen to the show while walking my dog and if there’s anything that blows my mind I’ll rabbithole when I get back. But for the most part he’s just trying to inform the public any way he can.

What?! I’ve never considered one for my pooch before and she’s turning 15 next year. I have to. She deserves it! 🥺

Ps. Gabi looks gd fierce in her dress! 💃🏾

I’m also voting for Biden’s pretty decent cabinet. I don’t give a shit if Biden is falling asleep during his morning debriefs as long as his cabinet keeps the wheels turning.

You should definitely check out the Ezra Klein sub. I can’t tell if it’s their naïveté or if they’re just really that short sighted. Or dumb.

I feel like you’re actually the one trying to ‘gotcha’ him. Example: approx times. His understanding is that, in general, a TPS report takes four hours to produce. He’s asking you if that’s correct, in your experience. In order to support you properly you want to give him this info so he knows when your workload is nearing critical mass. I imagine he’s asking the entire team to possibly find out if different people have found a faster way to do it so that that person can then teach the others their faster workflow. He’s quite literally doing the job of a good manager.

Your hackles are up. You’re seeing everything through a biased lens.

Just for fun (and prep) you should also do some sleuthing on the economics fellowships and what schools they belong to. Then I’d look at their PhD programs and see their requirements and adjust your BS accordingly.

I too think you should be majoring in Econ/math. I feel like a lot of business BA courses are also skills you learn on the job. Math is definitely something that I’d want to focus more on as that sets the foundation for the rest of your career. The rest is just window dressing. Also, concur on internships and lab work as soon as you can.

Number six makes me happy I chose not to have kids. We are handing them such a gd mess to clean up.

I’ve been watching my outdoor cellar spiders this week and they’ve been doing something similar. Instead of being immediately eaten, they come back when she’s about to birth the egg sac, and then poof. It’s like he’s guarding her while she’s vulnerable. I’ve never seen it happen before and can’t find any info on it online.

You’re a lot like me. Challenge will rev my engine for only so long - I too need some sort of creativity involved in my work or I’m just not satisfied. I ended up being an executive analyst and my creative work is data reporting (I love it so much). But i work for a healthcare system! So it might not be an industry issue but a role issue.

Yes you’re very underpaid. Check out salary dot com to see what you’re owed. And then really consider what you want and whether you can get it at your current place. I’m telling you, having that amount of trust can really work in your favor. If he allowed it, how would you write your own position description there. Think of what you enjoy doing - and what you’d like to try doing. Build your own perfect job and then submit that as a proposal. Getting a carte blanche offer like this is super rare. Take advantage of it and see what happens first.

I stopped pharma maybe six months prior. As for dose, you have to experiment with each batch due to the dosage shifting according to your growth environment. But my perfectly average strength mushies ended up being about 1/2-3/4 inch of a stem. Ymmv.

‘I know what trees and rocks look like. Why did you take me so far away from my bed?’

I was wondering if he had a really shitty night’s sleep beforehand. I know that for myself if I don’t get at least six hours I am legitimately the dumbest person in the room until the next day. He’s old, bubba needs his rest at his age. That or he got some sort of crazy intelligence that completely threw him off.

Either way: you’re voting for the cabinet, not just the man.

Sometimes I like to skip a half day just to remind them (lol j/k, really reminding myself) that I’m still the boss. They’re always furious.

You don’t know what they’re unhappy with yet. Let it go until you understand. It could be that they found invalid data or calculation (it could be that they don’t even understand their own data!), or they were expecting a little bit more refinement on the presentation of the data. Sit back and wait until you know more.

I will say this, and I hope you think about it for the rest of your career: collaboration will only make your work better. Their input is good.

DJ Dara’s mix CD is still in my house and still a gd jam. But my actual gateway drug was this track which will always be my favorite of the classics: https://open.spotify.com/track/4bsF2ZJgmq2JiDfyIV3CaX?si=nbtonyQDSNShXLCE_4f-vg Heard it at a house party in 2000 and thought ‘what is this auditory manna?!’ (Alex Reece - Pulp Fiction)

He probably needs some serious exercise. Remember when you were a kid running around during recess? It was because the school knew you wouldn’t be able to concentrate if you didn’t let off steam. It’s the same for pups.

Also puppies in particular are really toothy in general. Tiring them out goes a looong way to curbing that: the rest comes from chew toys.

Did she look at all those zombie faces? So creepy.