Hey everyone,

I’ve been extremely confused about my major and wanted some opinions from you all on Reddit.

I’m an international student doing my undergrad in the US. I’m currently majoring in Economics and Business Analytics and have a minor in Math. I’m primarily considering two career paths:

  1. Pursuing a PhD in Economics: I’m interested in doing a predoc in Econ and then getting a PhD. I have a keen interest in Economics, some RA experience, and I will take higher-level Econ and Math classes if I choose this route. While I'm not sure if I want to go into academia, I’m interested in working in the industry as an economist. Academia is also an option, and I'm curious about the employability in this field nowadays.
  2. Data Science and Machine Learning: I’m good with numbers and math, so I’m considering applying for jobs in data analyst positions after my bachelor’s, then transitioning towards data science, or getting a master’s in Applied Math/Analytics and trying for the job market.

Here are my questions:

  1. Should I drop my Business Analytics major and instead do a double major in Math and Economics? While I’m enjoying the Econ and Business Analytics combo, I feel like my major includes a lot of business classes, and the analytics classes are more focused on business analyst positions. Would majoring in Math be a better option for me?
  2. What are the career prospects for the career options I mentioned above? I’m primarily interested in the future outlook, ease of getting into the field (especially as an international student), salary, and work-life balance.

I would really appreciate all of your input.