You’re missing the point.

If the president is immune then it doesn’t matter what the old rules say. State crime? So what? Trump can send in the National Guard to replace the state government, then claim it as a function of his presidency and therefore immune to consequences.

Or, what if he just ignores the sentence? What could be done? The state can’t arrest him over it, and even if they did he could order the national guard to break him out. He’s immune — no consequences.

Why not? Would it be illegal to do so?

I usually default to large. Depending on what kind of pizza I order, where I order it from, and how much self-discipline I have at that particular moment I may or may not have leftovers.

A few years back my daughter and I did an overnight at Seaside Heights (NJ) and I bought a large pizza from one of the boardwalk vendors. I don't recall how big the pizza was but I do recall that, holding it flat, it wasn't possible to walk through the hotel doorway. I had to angle it to get it through. Not by much, but enough to be noticeable.

I'm from New Jersey so "y'good" already has an established all-purpose lexicon.

Ultimately it may not matter. He can still win the election and then pardon himself. He has nothing to fear from anyone any more.

MMPR Green Ranger

Mastatops? Triceradon?


“Don’t give me your opinion unless I ask for it, but I’m going to give you my opinions because you don’t care about that stuff.”

Don’t walk, run.


No, really. Growing up, pizza at my house was maybe a 2-3x per year event, and since we were a family of seven it was always two pizzas and everyone got two slices except my brother and father who each got three.

When I became an adult I thoroughly enjoyed buying a pizza all for myself, or with friends which was even better. Many (but not enough) nights with pizza and video games on the family TV.

It’s not cringe to call yourself deep.

It’s cringe to proudly admit to believing all of that psychobabble nonsense.


I used to do MMA back in the day so I generally fell back to that type of training. So my workout was (and still is) a bit of everything. I do a warmup on the elliptical (mainly because my 7’ basement ceiling isn’t conducive to jumping rope) to get the blood flowing and do a little cardio, then I do half an hour of interval training on the heavy bag, then another half hour of resistance training (with and without weights), then about ten minutes of stretching. It doesn’t bulk me up (which isn’t my goal anyway) but it does keep me in decent shape.

“Stop signs are for losers,” as the camera car coasts through a stop sign….

Scent is a powerful comfort device. Cook a meal that you most associate with home. Light a scented candle that reminds you of home.

Correlation does not imply causation.

I tried to take a picture but my phone color corrected it. Much disappointment.

You’re overreacting. She made a joke that you didn’t find funny. Personally I don’t find it in bad taste since I recognize it as a joke, and since it was a private joke for your ears only I don’t find it in particularly offensive. But those are my standards, not yours. It might be a different story if she said that to a group of people or posted it (with names) on Facebook. You’d be breaking up with her because you have different senses of humor. If you’re okay with that then walk away. Otherwise you could try having a civil discussion with her so that she understands your differences in humor.

Yes...sorta. I've noticed that sometimes I'll connect and things will be dirt slow, and sometimes the site I'm looking to connect to will reject the connection (presumably because it knows I'm on a VPN). Then I'll reconnect (different server) and, same thing. I might have to reconnect two or three more times but then everything will work perfectly.

Sheesh I can’t imagine being this confused and having this level of sanctimony in the general tone of my messages.

Fortunately, you don't have to imagine it. Cheers.

Short summary, it's an SIO device that emulates floppy drives, printers, modems, and other devices, but its biggest advantage is its ability to connect to wifi networks. Out of the box you can connect to "open" Fujinet servers and boot/load games and other software from them. You can also copy these to local storage (an SD card). You can also set up a TNFS server (Fujinet's protocol) by running a program on your Mac or PC and load/save/boot/etc your software that way.

For example, in my case I have a several-hundred-strong collection of floppy disks that contains all of my Atari software going back to the early 1980s. When I got my Fujinet adapter I set up my home server for TNFS functionality, then copied all of my disks to disk images that are stored on my server. Now my Atari data is 100% protected against floppy disk failure, I don't have to rely on fragile floppy drives, and I can even use those backup copies on an Atari emulator on my Mac if I wanted to.

Kinda depends.

If the woman has something “obviously negative” going against her (severe BO, crazy bad attitude, etc) then my first thought would be “Not surprised.”

Otherwise my thought would be a combination of “Why?” with a touch of “What’s wrong here?”

As a surprise for me, she invited her best (female) friend over for a threesome. When we were finished (several hours later) she looks over at her friend and says, “See what I mean?” Her friend gave an exhausted smile and nodded off. To date I have no idea exactly what she meant by that but I took the win.

Cleanliness is above anything else. Run a vacuum, dust your shelves, clean your kitchen, wash your dishes, clean your toilet and shower, take out the trash, replace your bedsheets and bathroom towels, etc. Then, replace consumables. Toilet paper, tissues, hand soap, etc.