Ah okay — I was biking to work down Malborough in the morning and saw almost the exact same thing happen. Bicyclists are so reckless down Mass Ave coming across the bridge. I’ve lived in the neighborhood for more than a decade and seen at least a half dozen accidents on Mass Ave and Beacon, varying in severity.

The city recently changed the traffic pattern at that intersection, and while it’s clearly better for all parties (except maybe the cars turning left onto Beacon), I’ve seen hundreds of bicyclists/scooters/pedestrians blow through that light in their impatience, it makes me want to scream.

Lastly, I’m really sorry that happened to you — it’s such a shitty feeling to be half a reflex away from being in a life-altering moment. I’m glad everyone is okay, and I hope your blood pressure has come down!

was this this morning at around 8:50am, by any chance?

It was last December in SEA — Purdy’s 2nd start, which we won to clinch the division


Absolutely right about that. Walsh would have slapped a shoulder pad for how good Purdy/CMC’s sell on that second screen though

I wish one of the reporters had asked Shanahan about it in the press conference -- it seemed like a pretty obvious part of the tic-tac-toe match. I'm sure there were a million similar plays in the Harbaugh-Carroll days that I don't want to revisit...

I was cracking up on Sunday when I saw this -- especially with the orbit motion that Shanny has been loving the past few weeks. It's a bold call by the toots, and wouldn't have been paid any attention by me if they had kept it close at all hehe

Massachusetts, USA (Replace with bike & year)

That’s definitely the plan! Thinking of Conti GP5000s after the stock tires wear out

Massachusetts, USA (Replace with bike & year)

After much deliberation, I finally got my hands on a Domane AL 5, and I couldn’t be happier!! Coming from a entry-level commuter that I have been riding for years, I feel like I unlocked a whole new level of bicycling that I have been yearning for. After taking this baby around the city for a couple of hours, I can’t wait to get it out into some space and explore further. No better feeling!

Thanks for the advice — I’ll look up that video!

Shooting in the 120s, I tend to have a solid three blow up holes where my body forgets how to work completely.

Thank you! Shoulder mobility is an issue for me, I strained my rhomboid a couple of years ago and have been working on getting a solid range of motion back, so I have been nervous that I am compensating elsewhere in my swing.

This is great, thank you! I see what you mean about staying level — I tend to top the ball all over the place, and I see that if I get taller on my backswing and then don’t come down, that would explain quite a lot.

Very true — I have been working through Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons, and have been so preoccupied with the movement, that I tend to cheap out on grip and setup. I can practice both at home every day though, so I’ll start doing that. Thank you!

getting riled up sitting in boston rn. been an avs fan since i was 8. i was 9 when they won the cup in 01 and i still think i’ve never cried so hard in my life. i can’t even believe this. LETS GOOOOOO

There’s no absolute right or wrong answer here — that being said, you seem like a thoughtful and considerate person, and the questions to ask is are 1) if you’ll feel guilty after this purchase and 2) if that guilt will get in the way of you enjoying it. Financially, if you’re able to buy the controller and come up with the money for your surgery, great. But, if you’re not going to be happy using it, it might not be worth the price of admission.

That being said, I’m more on the side of DJ Lucifer in this equation. You can do other things to show your gratitude for the donations for your dental work by organizing an event you DJ with the proceeds going to your school’s alumni network, for example. Just my two cents!

This massive-ass cookie is via a recipe (below) that I found, and perfect for snowy New England days. Turned out wicked thick (I used my 10” lodge rather than the 12” that’s recommended) but it’s still unbelievably good. Doesn’t last more than 3 days in my house!

Recipe: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/chocolate-pecan-skillet-cookie/

flow gives me that doomtree rhymesayers vibe

To be honest, I don’t wear jerseys these days either, but this was a must-cop after the 76ers game the night before thanksgiving where he went off. JTA will forever be one of my fav Warriors from this era

yooo that’s fire!! that’s definitely going to be a rare one