Cast Iron Cookware

r/castiron593.8K subscribers52 active
The /r/castiron FAQ - Start Here (FAQ - Summer 2019)

This is a repost of the FAQ. Since reddit archives posts older than 6 months, there's no way for users to comment on the FAQ any longer. We'll try to repost the FAQ every 6 months or so to continue any discussion if there is any. As always, this is a living document and can/should be updated with new information, so let us know if you see anything you disagree with! Original FAQ post here:

We've been working on a new FAQ for /r/castiron that can be updated as the existing one is no longer maintained. Please let us know if you have any additional questions that you'd like to see addressed here

What's Wrong with my Seasoning

How to clean and care for your cast iron

How to Strip and Restore Cast Iron

/u/_Silent_Bob_'s Seasoning Process

How to ask for Cast Iron Identification

Did I Ruin/Is This Ruined?

Enameled Cast Iron Care and Cleaning

The rest of the FAQ is fairly bare iron specific so /u/fuzzyfractal42 wrote a nice primer on enameled cast iron

We'll be making this a sticky at the top of the subreddit and will continue to add onto it as required!

Pinnedby _Silent_Bob_Moderator
/r/castiron is looking for new moderators to supplement the current team!

Our community has grown so much, and we are still growing!

/r/castiron is looking for new moderators – We need more/better coverage for our sub, its gotten so big that it’s difficult to keep up!

We are looking for mods who:

  • Are active on Reddit and have a good understanding of how Reddit works.
  • Are knowledgeable and passionate about cast iron cookware.
  • Can get behind our community goals of:
    • Factual and helpful advice
    • Respectful interactions
    • Topical advice – cast iron cookware only
    • Curated content – removing all off-topic, political, advertising, low-effort, and shit posts
    • Intolerance of racism, sexism, bigotry, or bullying of any kind
  • Can evenhandedly moderate posts with opinions different from their own
  • Can actively moderate, especially nights and weekends, but no particular time is required. All time zones welcome, but current mod team is U.S. based.
  • Is willing to be trained.
  • Moderator experience is a big plus.
  • Preferred from /r/castiron members, but outsiders welcome to apply as well.

We are serious about civil and respectful interactions – If you believe that deleting posts/comments that violate our civil discourse commitment is a violation of free speech rights or look at uncivil comments as ‘welcome to the internet/Reddit’ then please do not apply.

So what does a moderator of /r/castiron do all day?

Well, other than polishing our monocles, and counting that sweet sweet nonexistent Reddit cash, moderators:

  • Approve/remove posts and comments in the mod queue
  • Enforce the subreddit rules and ensure our community is a welcoming, enjoyable place to be
  • Engage with the community
  • Discuss potential changes to the rules and ways to make the subreddit better within the mod team (always ongoing)

Being a mod doesn't have to be a massive time commitment, and if you are already active in the community it shouldn't be difficult to get a decent amount of mod actions in. If you encounter an issue you don’t know how to handle, well that’s what us senior mods are there for!

We are willing to work with you and train you – every one of our active moderators have different strengths and weaknesses. If it turns out that you don’t like the job, or that its just not working out – we are still friends in /r/castiron! There are no hard feelings.

If you are interested in becoming a mod, please fill out this form. All responses will be kept confidential. Feel free to reach out via mod mail if you have any questions.

We will review all applications and contact you if we have any questions :)

Pinnedby gedvondurModerator
Grill pan for waffles

Just wanted to shared that I saw online that cast iron grill pans can also work as a waffle maker.

So you can consider this if you got a grill pan that has not seen much use.
