Im not sure magnus cardio is that fantastic to be fair. He is insanely strong though.


Its more like they say "my bf is 6.3 and works in finance" and their friends go "goallsss".


For most I'd wager it is mostly a social status thing. They basically want bragging rights.


Youre getting downvoted because you made a narcissistic bad post.


Maybe he just likes looking at competitions or just started


Cant we Ban these posts already. They contribute nothing except people trying to humblebrag that they fuck or that they are an ugly guy.

God damn.

Everyone, you can go home. We cant improve this.

On a serious note it looks really nice, only thing I would swap is that bathtub, has to be annoying as fuck to clean around it lol

Not going to know unless you try. And if that is how he handles issues you need to bail asap.

I dont think its an unmatch. I think its just a bug. Happened to me as well a year or so ago, the she appeared like 2 days later.


Yes thats totally insane. But living with my sister i could personally never do either lol


If you swipe left on someone who swioed right on you, then they remain ad "likes you" if you dont have gold.

Restart app, if you swipe right on the second person in the queue and its not a match, then you dont have anyone who likes you.

Maybe he is cheating maybe he is not.

But personally ive ended seeing a girl because she had body odour. Like a sour wet rag. Even after we showered.

Maybe you can get a second opinion on the smell. A bit awkward perhaps.

Why give the coolest looking weapon to someone who wont display it lol

I hated it at first, now I really like it. I think you just need to get over a few annoying things then it feels really nice.

There a difference between knowing clientside could affect due to technical limitations and not doing anything about it and having mitigation strategies to handle the inevitable effects.

No need to start, I have been a software dev for years (not that it matters). For a moment ignore the thought that anyone in this subreddit knows anything about computers. Do you think it is an issue that the clock could get 30 seconds out of sync? Yes or no?

Seems like you and do not either.

You simply don't just rely on client side for important things for a long time. If you don't periodically checks whether the clientside data is correct you don't know what you're doing. 30 seconds off? That's unacceptable. Especially on a game like chess where things are fast paced and when price money is often involved.

A bug in system is forgivable, bad system design is not.