You have to write it in spanish and then it still won’t work.

So there’s a weigh-in before starting a relationship now?

Voltron. I got the Upside Down instead which is not bad but it was right there in my hands.

I hope there’s a zombie face under there

Yeah. Look for what color stickers the visitors have that day and look for those stickers by the parking meter or the light posts around the museum to go in for free.

Confirmed, don’t click on her profile, tsk tsk.

This. I used it last year for 2 months and they gave me the first month half off and it was in an easy place to uber from LAX.

It suffers from a lot of surfacing issues that make it 100% not OEM. I guess its an alternative to the one on the market.

She’s in the Vespa gang in Book of Boba Fett. I knew I recognized her face from somewhere.

It is done a lot. As long as it helps you learn how to draw those proportions from memory later its fine. And there are a lot of designers that rely heavily on overlaying photos of existing cars and nobody bats an eye.

I lived there and I would still flip if I see a Senna. I think there were only 500 made. I’ve seen only 2.

Second one looks like Ray Arnold’s arm.

I think Yelp and Google should have an extra icon next to $$$ where people can report restaurants with these fees so we can be warned.

This was a while ago, maybe 14 years ago so I’ve trained in other things since then.

Judo is great when you learn how to fall. I trained with the former Venezuelan olympic coach and it was tough but way more fun than bjj.

And that’s why I stopped training bjj. Those gyms attract too many douchebags wanting to prove they are more macho so one dickhead hyperextended my elbow even after tapping out. Injured for 3 months.