FC: 4508 0908 6878 Trainer name: Azbueger

Remember when you could zoom out and it woukd list the raids in an area? That was much easier to see than those tiny icons

FC: 4508 0908 6878 Trainer name: Azbueger

Still? I thought they fixed that

FC: 4508 0908 6878 Trainer name: Azbueger

Can you remind me how to tell if a rockruff is dusk? There is some kind of tell in the gym

Hard to imagine anyone that sweaty woukd actually press charges.

Yes white lives matter. But not those particular lives.

Pretty sure he’s had that possibility ruled out for him

Canadians woukd be ejected from their country?

You should turn that into a Motivational poster. ASPIRE. to be like Bob

Isn’t that one of the points of Romeo and Juliet? Other than ‘teenagers are stupid’. People just be Montague-ing they ass off out here.

How light are these bears we are talking about? I mean excluding cubs most bears are at least 250 lbs. so you are talking at least 1500 lbs of bear. Now what are you doing with them? Fighting then? Carrying them somewhere? Yeah I think that’s too much. I don’t think even John cena could handle more than three.

That’s the reason I’m still paying for AOL

They can pay for the space

Redditors but it was too fatty

I sought to do drugs. I still do, too.

So a win for everyone else.

What are its pronouns?

The leg disabled man who had his wheelchair stolen