Haven Harbour: Live at The Bulge 🦹🏽‍♂️💄

Your flair checking in 😂

So infuriating! I was so deeply annoyed at the casting I never saw the movie, so thank you for taking one for the team in order to report back to a curious redditor all these years later

Mine did this too! Rocks and acorn tops and snail shells. I still have most of them! I did jars, or windowsill displays, or collages. And some of them were just loose handfuls placed on a high shelf and found months later

I’m soooo curious and cannot guess - if you decide to share which songs, know that at least one audience member is waiting with bated breath

Tech startup in college that’s a solid ongoing success. He’s one of the most down to earth people I’ve ever met. Very low profile.

Lourdes. That bish would know all the locals and deals by the end of the first day. We’d do karaoke and laugh really hard - now I’m sad it’s not really happening

Yes! Fits all of your criteria, OP

It’s the collab with Lil Jon I never knew I needed!

I passionately love this and would purchase a print in a heartbeat 💓

Loving you was like loving the dead!

Same! Delighted at the joy of players everywhere reveling over the myriad quirks of the game

Ha! Mine was that of a high-powered lawyer indicted for drug trafficking so I got a lot of sweaty frantic calls for coke from rich guys

“Because it’s fun sometimes” and that’s done the job so far! whew

First I ever heard was Live Seeds, and it lives at the pinnacle of Nice Cave’s prodigious output forever for me

1D&g and I would be delighted with life

I would read the absolute heck out of this! I’m riveted already

Off to Google what places have no wasps, as I am plagued by them incessantly 9 months of the year in the PNW 😭