Ladies who wear makeup…

I do not want my daughter growing up thinking she needs to focus on being pretty or that her natural skin and beauty are not good enough, especially since I see all these young girls using anti-aging serums and stuff now. Ideally, I think what would have the most integrity would be to just NOT wear makeup, but I’m not quite there. She is prefect and beautiful and always will be, but I don’t quite have that same feeling about my middle-aged face. I don’t wear makeup most days, but sometimes I want to look my best, and I wear some makeup.

My most honest answers would be “to look pretty, to look better, to look younger, to look healthier, to look my best, to look sexy,” which are not at all things that I want to say as I do not want her thinking at a young age that those traits are what matter.

I have thought about saying, “because I like how it looks,” or “because I like it” or even “because sometimes I want to look a little fancy” because she is into “fancy” right now, but maybe that’s the same as saying I want to look pretty.

The tag is for ages 4-9 because I think this is most relevant at this age and older. For full disclosure, my child is actually almost 3, but she already asked me. (D: What are you doing? ME: Putting on makeup. D: Why? ME: …) I have no idea what I ended up saying.

What do you (or would you) say to your daughter(s) that is authentic but also does not send the message that one’s natural look must be improved upon?