All churches that fail to protect kids from wandering hands and any found to have misappropriated funds should owe taxes for the time period during which they were no churchly

I mean if he went to jail as a rapist do you know what would have happened to him. He’d have been raped. And we can’t have a system that supports sexual assau…..ohhh I see what I did there.

Fun story a couple came in for the same complaint to my clinic. They had both exhausted conservative measures. I explained surgery. The husband stared into space and asked if surgery for a joint replacement required an incision and “like what do you need stitches?” His wife rolled her eyes and said no he’s gonna saw off your knee and hammer in a new one by meditating and manifesting it. Without her he would have walked into clinic with no pants.

It’s not biology it goes back to this apple

And when u look at it historically men died all the time from playing the circle game so potato potATo

Your body looks like a Swiss cheese life boat…nobody in the right mind would try and ride even if their life depended on it

You know rainbows have been a thing before everyone lost their mind…unless the rain is just a liberal conspiracy…fuck this explains why Arizona is so conservative

Look you gotta add context we both know you didn’t go to medical school so just because you moonlight tossing salads doesn’t make u soecial

Remember we gotta put it all back up his butt if this tik tok is gonna go viral.

Remember when all the hippie teens who went vegetarian would protest at like McDonald’s and then raid the store and put their balls on the food and steal shit. Ahhhhhh peaceful protests never change.

At this point I can’t tell her and guilfoy apart. But I also can’t tell Jake Paul from his brother…shit what’s his name…Paul Paul?

Don’t. Spend two min a day looking in the mirror accepting that you look fantastic. If you’re weight is affecting an activity practice that activity

Same man who tried to claim he survived an assasination attempt when it was just a loud noise at a rally

There’s a cute girl behind you stop posing and hang out with her

Don’t tan. Do whatever will make your soul smile you are in those pics. When hard days hit do that twice.

I don’t see an issue. What’s the specific concern. If you want to hide something the go to in that are would be something superficial for the skin or if it’s a small scar a bi or trilobe rotation flap but that seems crazy since you look absolutely fine

You’re really pretty I’d just wanna make sure you aren’t limited in the things you want to do

13 you have no idea how many people you’ve made smile by sending that smirk in their direction

I don’t mean this to sound assy but tone is lost online. Are the big frames with the bar back? I’d favor smaller ones I’d that’s an option. That being said professionalism isn’t binging on glasses I promise. Of all the people I work with I look the most like a hobo and get the same feedback on bedside manner as everyone else. If you’re competent and passionate it’ll show. Good luck.

I get calls or epic messages which come through my phone

Shit thing is that’s an adult so the only treatment for her by todays standards is a fusion. In kids they can do guided growth or bracing