Tempering is itself a byproduct of the

I'll try to answer this. I used to play WoW and other MMOs, and especially in the older days of WoW when aggro was more challenging to maintain, "YPYT" was the law of the land. And it made sense for those games. Enemy aggro was hard to hold, pulls were smaller, you had sheeps and other CCs to consider, etc. In those conditions, it made sense to let the Tank be the one who decides what gets pulled and when. So, ergo, "you pull, you tank."

FFXIV is totally different, though. Pulls are big, and enemy aggro is easy to hold for tanks. A DPS could blast their whole burst on a mob, and you can instantly take it back with 1 (maybe 2) abilities. "YPYT" doesn't really make sense in this kind of environment. I would totally forget about "YPYT," and just do your best to set a quick and efficient pace through the dungeon.

Of course, there's considerations to be made. If you have a Sprout Healer in a really low level dungeon, and it's obvious they're still learning the ropes, you might want things to be slower, and could tell the DPS to slow down for the Sprout. But other than that, go go go, and don't worry about who grabbed what.

I love that archetype too, and sadly I think Bladesinger Wizard with judicious use of spells like Steel Wind Strike is the best way to do it.

I'm a male roe now but the majority of my gametime has been as an elezen and I really don't find the run that bad. It's not the best, but I'll take it over the male Au Ra run anyday.

That's what got me about the video when I first saw it. When you're protesting, you're implying a sort of weakness or oppression. You can be angry and indignant and all that, sure, but the entire conceit of a protest is that someone powerful has wronged you in some way. There's a sort of victimhood or at least the idea of being the "damaged party" inherent in it.

But this guy is so entitled, so stuck up, that he forgot he was a protestor. He's bragging to Max about this and that, I'm not gonna get deported, you don't know. THEN WHATS THE PROTEST ABOUT?!

Mum is British, it's why it's shared by us and India. But the American "Mom" has become pretty invasive at this point. I say mum but usually write mom lol.

Fr lol. But liberals literally only care about updoots.

As an adult entering the Church, sure. But you can't just raise your kid in two churches, leapfrogging back and forth to get certain sacraments. Neither the Church nor the Orthodox would allow that.

You can find lots of articles about it, but basically it boils down to the Church considers it sinful because it's willful intoxication. You can consume a glass of wine, as Our Lord did, and still have your faculties. But weed doesn't really have that intermediate state, unless your tolerance is pretty high from chronic use.

I think there may be some merit to the idea that weed should be allowed. But at the end of the day, I accept what the Church has said.

I've never had this happen, but there have been times I wished for it lol.

Just take it as a learning experience and enjoy that your spiritual father cared enough about you to give you some tough love, IMO.

I'm reminded of one of my favourite quotes from St Josemaria, "Don't say, 'That's the way I am — it's my character.' It's your lack of character. Esto vir! — Be a man!"

I confessed to using marijuana a couple of years ago. I'm of age and Canadian. So Father says, "Well, it's legal now..." Lol. I snapped at him, "That's not the point!" And he's like, "No, I know. You're right." I think he was just trying to be pastoral, but it's a funny memory now.

I'm praying for you, little bro. I'm a convert, was raised Baptist. I converted as an adult though, and my parents were (mostly) cool with it, so I don't really have any experience with this situation.

I would say though to honour your mother and father, and try to understand that they only want the best for you. They're wrong about the Church, obviously, but in their hearts they believe they're trying to guide you on the right path and keep you from sin, which speaks to the love they have for you, in my opinion.

Whoa, the 2nd dye channel on that dyes the tattoo?!?!

Also, I've been strongly considering going Broegadyn since the update, and I think this just locked it in.

You can! But only to Dynamis because it's not congested. I was crashing every 20 mins last night. Went to Dynamis this morning and crashed twice all day. And I played all day 😅

It's easy to miss, like others have said. Also IIRC it's not even a blue quest, it's yellow.

It's not a code, there's a blue quest in Ul'dah near the Marketboard.

I played for a good hour or so before crashing coming out of a cutscene. Some people said going to Dynamis will help.

I feel like Artificer can fit in any setting. I dont know what yours are, obviously, but in a world without steampunk, it's easy to imagine them more like Tolkien elves; forging magic cloaks and glowing swords and such. Or you could also go a more witchy way, with totems made of rocks and bone that imbue these powers onto items.




Young Griff


I like cool but complicated dudes 🤣

Yeah don't go talk to your neighbours, just post on reddit and hope they see it.