(UPDATE)I woke up this morning and asked my mom again I answered all her objections and she was still saying no I kept nagging and she finally said yes I give you permission. She seemed extremely displeased with her decision almost like a fake approval and whilst she was driving me she was telling me how she failed as a mother and it really broke my heart. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. I will continue to attend liturgy and mass if I can, I havent really heard from my dad.

I am 15M and I was raised in a pentecostal church after some disagreements we moved to a non denominational church in which I see no problem in (except the pastor bringing politics in here and there). Just recently though I have been attracted by catholicism and the tradition of the church. I took my intuition and visited a byzantine rite catholic church and it was amazing, one of the nuns answered all my questions (I later talked with the priest) and everything seemed so right. I attended 3 diving liturgies and after the third I came home my mom was unhappy with me but she didnt say much. Now my dad was raised in the Roman catholic church and hates it with a passion I assume its from all the stuff he sees on facebook, but this morning he came to my room and saw my icon of the Virgin Mary as well as my other icons of St Paul, St George, and St Peter. he was very displeased and told me to take these idols out of his house and that if I didnt throw them away he would. I later heard him and my mom speaking downstairs and I came down and we got into a big argument and they said things like “you are worshipping idols and I wont let you do anything like that as long as you are in my house”. They told me I can no longer go but I feel like they are seperating me from God. Now my question here is would I be wrong to disobey them or should I really wait until I leave the house? (the church is a quick walk away from my home)