I can’t tell my wife about this because she’s nervous about going to confession as it is (she grew up Baptist), but my confessor just roasted me.

The first sin I confessed was about not being a good example to my family and missing Mass and his first comment (other than making me say pornography and masturbation instead of impure images and impure acts) was that I was being a bad example to my family. Yes, I know! I had already said that.

Basically I felt like he was beating me up for the stuff I’d been beating myself up about already.

I spent a lot of the confession trying to humble myself and not lash out. And wondering if I needed to confess to being angry about it.

My brother had something similar happen with a priest in a nearby parish. Is this a new initiative? It doesn’t feel particularly Christlike, but I suppose it may be righteous indignation.

Ultimately, it did have a chastening effect, so maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing. I’m not sure how my wife will react if she gets similar treatment though.


If this is true, the tongue lashing isn’t considered part of confession: https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/what-to-do-when-you-get-a-bad-confessor

Update 2:

He wasn’t getting onto me about the pornography. It was about missing Mass, which I don’t have a habit of.

But to be clear, I agree with the sentiment of what he was saying, and thats why I went to confession. I’m already contrite and I understand the severity.