nah no parking, just put a train line next to it

You press one extra button every 10 seconds for one of the most powerful offensive buffs in the game (wither) and you’re complaining?

Synthetic Evolution

What I don’t like is having no agency over the fleet’s whereabouts. EU4 strikes this balance by having troops ‘black flagged’ i.e. you can still move them but they cannot engage in combat until they are un-black flagged when moving into home territory.

Effectively this does the same thing by putting ill placed units out of action for a duration but you still get to choose where these units end up. Still this system isn’t without its flaws, see EU4 ‘paratroopers’ ignoring zone of control.

Arise ye starvelings from your slumber

Arise ye prisoners of want

For reason in revolt now thunders

And at last ends the age of can’t!

Go beyond that and nationalise the distribution. Have the distribution of it be state owned with quality standards for purchasing from private growers. Milk the bucketloads of money that come from selling it.

If you think the ALP is pro-CCP I’d like what you’re huffing. The people that operate the machinery of the party are so incredibly US state department-pilled it is not funny.

hey some of us still know the songs!

although the most we hear of it is the young right’s bastardised Solidarity Forever by changing the refrain to Centre Unity Forever, For the Unions give us jobs.

Synthetic Evolution

We have comet sense.

I will not take any slander against oz turk. Downvoters fuck off.

Synthetic Evolution

What I really want to see is an internal politics system that make pops be well pops that have particular needs that coalesce into factions instead of it being tacked onto individual pops.

Parliaments / representative systems should be a part of empires with going up the authoritarian scale means that you suffer less penalties for ignoring them. If you want to push through x agenda but it suffers from low factional approval authoritarian empires will suffer less costly bribes to get it rammed through. Also just want to make democratic authority types interesting with real election mechanics.

Also do want to note that ‘Parliament’ is also not a hard and fast term, under Shared Burdens it would probably be a council of trade unions while in authoritarian regimes it would be a small cabal of pops (like a senior advisory committee) that just need to be appeased.

I definitely want diplomatic options or at the very least a piecemeal peace offer system like EU4 does with peace terms being expanded on to include resource concessions, reparations, enforced treaties, etc.

As much as i would like some depth to espionage it’s probably hard to balance because it would feel awful if the AI uses it against the player. If you could assassinate leaders for example as an option, it would feel shitty to have their level 10 admiral killed in the middle of a crisis because they have no agency over it.

Oh very rigorous kitchen engineering standards

Well the front fell off and 20000 litres of water spilled out into the kitchen and made a mess. It’s a bit of a giveaway. I’d just like to make the point that that is not normal.


What map mods were on the map? If there was consecrated ground with other tank mods it would have regen’d them