College football is on verge of unbearable these days. It is a shame. Go Gators

8x out of 10 no aspestos. Easy cheap mail in test are available

Dang that could end up fishy. Third place person if known going in probably on the out could go to player and say, hey if a tie you give me $100,00 I will vote you

What happens if a tie in the final pick for the million?General Discussion

I can’t recall what would happen if a tie for the million. Can’t just have everyone re vote for just the two if no one voted for the third person as would just tie again. Do they let third place person vote? That would be a hell of a pressure decision!

One thing regarding film is you get what you pay for. The cheap stuff will always be a nightmare with this and not “clinging “ worth a damn. Spend a little extra and see the difference

Great question turd nugget. Area you are staying would probably help. People ask such stupid ass shot on this sub

Andy surfing this wave in Momentum 2 is still some of my favorite surfing to watch

Must have a big ass toaster oven

How do we consistently allow people of power to blatantly be so corrupt. I really hope she goes to prison. Does she really think people owe her? And really, throwing the race card? The poor citizens of that city.

Meanwhile south St. Augustine they let everyone and everything build. Shit show in south st aug

Why is this insulting? Been stressed out for years with my job and damn if I get a week of appreciation devoted to me. You don’t mention how on teacher appreciation week the teachers are given multiple gifts daily for the whole week. This I am sure was just a funny mixed in with all the other goodies. We all work it is what we chose to do and most jobs are stressful but don’t get whole weeks of appreciation. Show and tell us all the other things they received.

Just use Ken’s. Sounds like no one there has much knowledge in making recipes