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Previously On, /r/Survivor: No-Judgement QuestionsGeneral Discussion

Welcome to "Previously On, /r/Survivor," a weekly thread intended for anyone to ask any question about Survivor, without judgement.

This community contains many superfans who know too much about the show. And it also contains many up-and-coming fans, who may have questions about Survivor that they're hesitant to ask for various reasons. This is the thread for those questions.

Or any Survivor questions from anyone, really.

There are no dumb questions in this thread. Please do not downvote questions unless they're obvious trolling/shitposting. Otherwise, ask away, and those of us who know the answers will provide insight.

Pinnedby RSurvivorModsModerator:Rupert: Pirates Steal
r/survivor Mod Applications are now open - please apply!!General Discussion

As another season of Survivor comes to an end, we are once again opening mod applications for r/survivor. We'd love to hear from anyone with an interest in moderating, whether you have past experience or you're brand new to the idea. We'd particularly like to hear from anyone who is regularly active on the sub, has a wide knowledge of Survivor, or who has past CSS experience.

Moderating for r/survivor is a vital role for this community. Online toxicity is at an all time high, and levels of targeted abuse towards contestants have hit a peak during recent years. Our aim is to keep r/survivor as the best place to discuss Survivor on the internet - one in which contestants and users alike are free to discuss the show and their opinions about it without personal attacks, hate speech, and predictions masquerading as spoilers. We need your help in order to do so!

We are looking to recruit multiple new mods, so please apply if you have any interest in doing so.

If you would like to apply, please fill out this form which ask questions about your experience with Survivor and why you would like to moderate. We're looking for anyone willing to put in time to make this community a better place. It can be a role which requires a thick skin, but it's often a very rewarding experience as well. Please also send a verification phrase here. This will be requested in the form and allow us to confirm your username.

Applications will close in two weeks on Monday 10th June at 10am EST. If you have any questions or doubts about applying, please message the mods.

Ready, set, go!

Pinnedby RSurvivorMods:Rupert: Pirates Steal
I'd like a season where they bring back only people voted out with an idol in their pocket Fan Casting

I think that would be fun. And, maybe, have that season have no immunity idols. But, don't tell anyone.

What's a moment from 46 that stands out to you?Survivor 46

Mine was Ben on the beach after winning the final 4 immunity challenge. The moment of bliss ended by the realization he'd be sending his friends to their demise in fire. The dramatic music plays as the camera shows his castmates in the distance over his shoulder.

What's a moment from 46 that stands out to you?

Where you would you rank this season all time? Survivor 46

Some may kill me for this but I’m considering top 10. This or 45 is the best new era season. This is the craziest season in a whole. While the pre merge and finale bring this down, the post merge makes up for that.

Where do you rank this?

CrabsGeneral Discussion

The best part of Survivor is the random shots of crabs.

When they are by the water then run away from the waves is hilarious every time.

Also, their eyes sticking up reminds me of Mr. Crabs from SpongeBob

The worst "sore loser" reaction to being voted out of the gameGeneral Discussion

By worst "sore loser", I mean, which reaction was the most negative and embarrassing and not funny combined.

I would suggest Chicken or Judd, but nope, their exits were pretty funny. Michaela too.

Somebody like Natalia, maybe. She was really pissed and aggressive towards Alec. Your opinions?

by Sabur1991Stephenie
How do they avoid the winner being spoiled?General Discussion

If you live in a small town, own a salon, and all of a sudden have a million dollars (prolly more like $600k let’s be honest….)…. Are there in any rules in place to try and protect the info from getting out?

I mean surely you can spend the money immediately, right?

I’m just surprised word of mouth doesn’t end up on social media more often, spoiling the ending for folks. Maybe it has in the past?

Original Boston RobMarquesas

I discovered survivor when I got COVID in 2021. I have been so obsessed since then that I've done a tough mudder and my baby shower was survivor themed. I'm finally catching up on the first few seasons, and it blows my mind how Rob Mariano comes across in his first season. I've heard it said before that he wasn't a huge character until his second season, but I feel like in Marquesas he is in his truest form. Comfortable with lying, manipulating women, power hungry. I love him as a player but it's so interesting seeing him in such raw form.

Random question about blowing up other players' games during tribal...General Discussion

After being voted out, on the way to get your torch snuffed, can players spew whatever intel they have, just to be a bitter jerk/ blow up someone's game? Calling out alliances, or someone's hidden immunity idol... I don't think I've ever seen it happen, but maybe it has?

Most entertaining Survivor season? Heroes vs. Villains

TV is dry right now, and I'm looking for something good to watch/re-watch. Which seasons of Survivor do you think are the most entertaining and worth a binge? (I just rewatched Heroes vs. Villains and forgot how good it was!)

When you realize that ____ General Discussion

There were Hantz's on 5/8 consecutive seasons. How?

by BushGuy200Devins, does not count!
Discussion: The After Show needs to be reworked… General Discussion

So it looks like the days of a Live Reunion are long gone now. I don’t agree with the new format, I think the original way was better but I guess from a cost perspective it’s not going back for new era.

If they’re not going to have a Live Reunion, they should at least give the final 3 some time to process what has happened and unwind before the after show. They haven’t slept properly or eaten in 26 days. Let them sleep, shower, eat, call their loves ones first before rushing them into it.

It’s unfair too because the jury members have all eaten, gotten sleep, and are able to dress nicely at Ponderosa. Let the final 3 do the same, even if it’s just for 24 hours.

Because as a viewer I do not find these after shows entertaining, it’s just hard to watch. They’re exhausted and tired… they’re not in the mood or right headspace to do an analysis on their game play. I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that Maryanne was completely disoriented during the after show, like what’s the point in hearing their thoughts if they’re not even capable of thinking clearly. The conversations would be more interesting if they’ve had time to sleep on it.

This year when Jeff asked Charlie about the Maria vote, I was actually mad about it… it had literally just happened, let the poor guy sit with his feelings first, not be forced to share them with the world. He handled it so gracefully and much better than I could have.

I also just like seeing the players as themselves outside of the game, even if it’s just for a brief moment… wearing the clothes they like, styling their hair the way they do, and wearing their makeup/jewellery, whatever… it’s like a full circle and they are reunited with their true selves.

I also think since it’s not live and we get no current update… it would be nice if there was a brief segment/photo montage from some of the castaways updating viewers on milestones/moments in their lives after they played the game (kind of like the finale on Great British Bake Off if you watch that show lol). Like Joe got married, Jane is now a new mom, or Bob and Sally are still good friends and get dinner every Thursday… stuff like that.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

Cancel Christmas??Survivor 46

Hey y’all just had a quick question, what the heck did Q mean when he said “They can cancel Christmas” because the internet could not give me a clear answer.

Favorite unconventional move from any US seasonGeneral Discussion

For example, I will never get over Rupert stealing the other tribes stuff to sell in Pearl Islands. So simple yet so diabolical, I love it so much.

Greatest multi-season character arc?General Discussion

In my opinion, the greatest multi-season character arc is the Coach saga.

Yes, Coach is ridiculous. Yes, Coach is delusional.

But he's also grows to become a pretty good Survivor player. Only to be destroyed by his own self-righteousness, the theme of his story.

The way he keeps reinterpreting his own narrative to see himself as the noble and honorable one, even as he strays further and further from this path with every episode... only to be confronted with his ultimate deception at the very, very end... his greatest disciple, Brandon, finally realizing how badly he'd been betrayed by his dark mentor...

I mean, it sure beats Redemption Island I'll tell you that.