Exactly! It’s bizarre that completely unqualified people feel comfortable giving strangers/acquaintances unsolicited advice on medical issues. Like when did this become acceptable?!

Nah it’s The Open Road series interconnected with Men of Ink: Heat Wave series. Haven’t read the men of ink series yet. The rest of this book was decent and was building a world/characters I like, just a rape victim (on the run with a child) hopping in bed with a huge scary looking guy after a day was a pretty big stretch for me.

Abused wife on the run meets tattooed bad boy sleeps with him after 2 days even tho she was raped by her husband. Seems like there’s a lot of glossing over in that. It’s the first book in a series and I’m not sure I even want to keep reading.

As a person who has owned a vagina for a long time I have never once heard it pop. Am I doing something wrong? Wait, never mind…CO is an idiot.

I listened to Northern lights on audible and it was great.

I’ve been on wegovy for 67 weeks and have lost 55 pounds. That’s less than a pound a week. But it all adds up so don’t worry. Some doses you respond better on and some not so much. I didn’t feel much with the .25. The .5 was fine and helpful. 1.0 omg so horrible going up and coming back down. Did fine all the way up to 2.5 but had to back off that. I literally couldn’t eat more than 3 bites at a time and it was not a healthy situation. I’ve settled in at 1.5 to get the last 10 pounds off then I’ll try and drop down to .25 to maintain. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Be patient and give your body a chance

lol same genes here maybe throw in a little German. Finally at the weight I always wanted and can’t wear a tank top

I wonder if it is something about the 50’s. I’m down 55 pounds but I swear every decade of my life I have gained then lost 50 pounds and this is the first time I have had loose skin like this. I think it’s menopause. 80 pounds is a lot more than 50 but I’m guessing she’ll be ok skin wise. At least have significantly less than we do since she in her 30’s.

She’s always so happy when she sees other people in masks, especially if they are also fairly young!

My daughter does too. I’m retired and basically still in my bubble of other retired ladies so I don’t worry about it too much unless I’m going to a crowded place like the airport, theater or a festival (very rare). My daughter always wears a mask. She really stresses about it.

Eye see what you did there

Link doesn’t work…I think I need to read this please help

My daughter (32) is a mask fanatic. I (53) wear mine in situations where there’s a crowd just to make her feel better. I’m pretty sure the masks help. They certainly don’t hurt. I’m just lazy and claustrophobic. But I know it makes my daughter feel better so I make the effort when I know it will make her nervous if I’m unmasked in public. It’s just rude to comment on a person choice especially when you don’t know them and their medical situation well.

You are describing me to a tee. I don’t feel depressed or sad, it just seems like everything is so much effort. Even things I enjoy I procrastinate. I used to be the energetic person planning fun shit. Now I get up at noon (retired) piddle around the house and if I bothered to get dressed, I’m back in my pajamas by 4. Forget any day I have to leave my house. It takes two days to build up to seeing people. Former me was a people person. I thrived on people now I’m like “meh”

Sounds Iike you were perfectly nice. Her on the other hand? She needs to mind her own damn business. I wouldn’t bring it up again. She’s either not taken offense and completely forgotten about it or took offense and will not be offering your mom any further advice, win-win. Don’t cater to these busy bodies, just because your old doesn’t mean you get to be rude and hand out unsolicited, potentially harmful medical advice.

If she falls and dies/serious injury at home isn’t that possibly much more concerning than getting her help before something dire happens. I’m not sure your dad is thinking correctly on this. Is it a money concern for him? Like do they not have insurance and would go bankrupt trying to cover her care. As for your dad’s behavior, not acceptable. Maybe you should point out that within 10 years he will be looking to you for help so maybe should adjust his tone. As for you, sounds like a really stressful and frustrating situation. You need to seek some help to control these things. I’m sure you wouldn’t mean to harm someone but even pushing past someone frail blocking your way could result in unintentional harm. Right now I am looking into the VA and Medicare to get my dad home health services. It sounds like your mom needs something like this. They come in a certain number of times a week and help with things like cleaning and hygiene. But it would be a set amount of hours where no one had to worry about her and that bit of relief might give you more patience for the whole situation

I was a young mom too. Not as young as you but I spread my 3 out. By the time the last one left I was more than ready. I don’t think I could ask them to leave and they know they can back if they need to but when they started talking about moving out I wasn’t sad. It’s so nice they come visit now then go home. We do still have one childhood pet left but I’ve already told my husband that this is it. When this last dog dies we are traveling at will and getting an apartment! I’m in my 50’s and ready to be done with all this responsibility! My husband misses the kids much more than I do and would love to have them back. Fortunately they have all just resigned year long leases. 👍

Maverick comes out in July. I’ve already started checking my in box hoping it’s the beginning of July not the end.

I’m a minimalist so holding onto things is just so hard for me to understand. And now my parents are trying to give me things that they don’t want to part with but know they can’t justify keeping. Like how do I say “I don’t want know 50 year old “worlds best dad” knickknack in my house”? It’s been a real eye opener about what I need to get rid of. I did Konkari several years ago but have been getting rid of even more stuff since last year when my mil passed and we packed up her house. The thinking stuff has value really hits home. I can’t tell you how many things my parents insisted were valuable and when I googled them it was $30-50. Even then my dad wanted to give the stuff to my kids so they could sell it. Ugg the time it takes to list and ship stuff when you’re working full time isn’t worth $30! I finally got them to agree to sell most stuff in an estate auction. But I had to come home for a month and I can see my dad second guessing everything without me there to reassure him.

I think that the bedroom should have a bed in it. I specifically called him last week to talk about his concerns and try and make a plan so he felt better. He said he couldn’t talk that he was sweeping the family room 🙄. Which of course he needs to ask my mom for help with and she doesn’t want to do it because she knows we’re hiring a company to come clean. But he is so focused on the small details. The bed thing is just the latest. We also had tears over the washer/dryer. The apartment comes with a set but he was super stressing over wether to sell there’s or keep it with the house.