Why is this being reposted constantly in so many subreddits?

Cannibalism leads to a higher risk of prions which are some of the scariest diseases on earth and are not easily destroyed

Like them as a kid when I didn’t know it was gay, still like them after I found out it was gay. (I’m gay)

1 in 5 people not supporting it isn’t great

Edit: in Western Europe

I use librewolf, which is built off of Firefox, so I’m good right?

The new avatars are good, but I wish there was more variety in faces and hairstyles

I live in one of the colder parts of Tasmania, 20 degrees is a little over warm but not steaming

It’s for the same reason that most of Batman’s villains go to Arkham, he believes that they are mentally ill and need to be treated

You could do a deep clean and repaste, but that’s only if you want to. Other than that it’s just keeping it cool and checking the capacitors after long term storage

Edit: spelling

A proper decal system would do a lot in improving the qol of things like this

Michaela, 19, (she/her)

Because I feel unloved and emotionally stunted

I find driving without the radio on very relaxing

Why are you downvoted? Isn’t that a fair point?