I’m on the supply side of the equation, actually. I’m a pharmacy tech. So this is everyday stuff for me. 😄

When you dose a medicine from a solution, you generally base it on the strength, not the amount. Assuming this is infant ibuprofen, you’re looking at 40 mg/mL, so each breakdown is 25 mg of ibuprofen.

When it comes to making a solution, you have to take med stability, palatability, viscosity, patient needs and a bunch of other things into consideration. The whole process is about compromise. And this is what ended up working out.

In this case, infant ibuprofen is a double concentration of the children’s formula, which is 20 mg/mL. It takes half as much fluid of the infant’s formula to achieve the same dose as children’s, and when it comes to infants, you want to give them as little non-nutritional fluid as possible, since they don’t have a lot of space in their stomachs just yet, which could be better filled with mama’s milk (or formula, however the infant is being fed).

So anyway, let’s assume a 50 mg dose.

With the children’s formula, you would need 2.5 mL.

With the infant’s formula, you only need 1.25 mL.

Now let’s try a 25 mg dose.

Children’s is 1.25 mL

Infant’s is 0.625 mL.

See what’s happening here?

Assuming the concentration of the ibuprofen solution is 40 mg/mL, each 0.625 mL step works out to being 25 mg worth of ibuprofen.

There's a lot of things that go into creating and determining a proper solution for a medicine, and sometimes they work out. And other times, they don't, and you end up with odd looking amounts.

Metric system was approved by the US government for use in 1866.

SI was adopted in 1960.

Ibuprofen was invented in 1961, and entered the markets around 1969.

There's a ton of things that go into figuring out proper concentrations for meds, and sometimes they work out nicely. And other times... not so much.

Took about a year before my oldest started doing it, and still does it to this day at 4 years old.

My little dude, at 3 years, is still terrified of jumping on to or over anything higher than anything he can't rest his snoot on first, and not for lack of trying on our part. He just won't do it, no matter how motivated we attempt to make him.

So there's also personality to consider, beyond just skill. Haha.

After my first was born, I started playing mostly games that had an actual pause feature, where the game just stops and waits for me to get back, and not open up a system menu while the game world continues on without me.

I just didn't want to inconvenience anyone I could be playing with or against with my sudden absence. Not really fair to them in my book.

Lately, I've been really into Anno 1880 and Civ VI. Which is great, since we're having our second in a couple months, so I'll be good to go. Haha.

Didn't give it up, but I only ever had a drink on my off nights, every other Saturday. And even then, it was only a 2 oz pour of whiskey or brandy to pair with an espresso while I relaxed a bit before bed.

I still do my little routine now, but it's only when my wife and kid are already in bed sleeping. Just me, my dogs, on the couch, relaxing. That's my time to unwind, especially since I don't have to head to work that night.

No, that's amazing. But I will be putting that in my pocket for future use now.

My wife thanks you. Probably.

Depends on what the store orders.

My 7-11 only stocks their regular Iced Tea, Green Tea, Watermelon, and Cherry Lime Rickey.

But across the way, the gas station sells Mucho Mango, Peach Iced Tea, Grapeade, and ChillZicle on top of the same stuff 7-11 has.

Yup. Coincidentally to OP's post, we were installing some blinds on our windows today, and when I grabbed my drill, I did a couple test pulls on the trigger.

My wife groaned, saying I was such a dad, while my boy started mimicking the noise of the drill.

It was perfection.

When my wife had our first, she was poking fun about me having to sit in this chair. But I couldn't've been happier to do so, because I work in the same hospital, and these are a step up from what I'm usually sitting in while working.

Plus, she sent me home at night to take care of the dogs, so I didn't have to sleep in it. Totally would've though.

Anyway, CONGRATS OP! Welcome to fatherhood! Don't forget to place an order for your pair of New Balances!

I play on my iPhone when I can't get near my PC/laptop, and force closing the app without hitting cloud save has the same effect. Not always perfect, but it could help.

Inpatient hospital. $36.55. New York. Full time, overnight shift. Been doing this for almost 11 years now.

Pretty sweet gig, honestly.

Wouldn't be the same if it didn't. Can't tell you the amount of random tangents I've sat through while holding the flashlight for my old man. Though I suppose that beats being yelled at for holding the flashlight wrong...

I should call him.

Hard to tell. They’re attached to the top jaw, and aren’t very long. At the angle we’re seeing the snake open its mouth, they’d be hard to see. Assuming it wasn’t defanged, of course.

It was a convoluted situation, but basically, he was in immigration limbo, since he couldn’t enter the country without his papers, which he claimed were stolen during his travels, nor could he leave for the same reason. Look him up on Wikipedia, since there’s… a lot involved.

I'm in a similar situation, but I don't watch him during work; I watch him after work. I'm a full-time night shift worker, and to save costs, we ultimately decided that it's much more feasible for me to hang out with my toddler all day until my wife gets home. At which point I eat dinner and head to bed for my 4~5 hours before work. Rinse and repeat. Luckily, I've been on nights for over a decade now, and I've acclimated to my shallow sleep schedule.

But some days are tough as he goes through his growing phases. This week, we've decided it was time to start testing boundaries and see just how much we can get away with. ...It ain't fun. And we're expecting our second this October, so that's going to be fun.

But in the end it's worth it. He's my little buddy, and I get to spend plenty of time with him.

So chin up friend, you're not alone. We'll get through this, because of course we will. We're dads. We've got this.

We're about to enter the 2 year old stage in October, which will coincide with the birth of our second. And let me tell you, the amount of times I've had that exact line said to me... My kid must be a saint then, because he's baby-proofing the place against himself half the time. He'll cry out "Oh no!" and lock a cabinet lock that we had open because we're making dinner or some such thing, then clap his merry way back to whatever toy he's currently addicted to. It's adorable, really.

We accidentally bought a box of Extra Cheddar Turtles without realizing it one time. Our toddler loves turtles as a little afternoon snack between lunch and dinner, and let me tell you, the face that he made when he popped that first extra cheesy coated turtle into his mouth... The boy was sent into a spiral of pure bliss.

We now only buy Extra Cheddar Turtles.

All this about it being a girl cocker thing… Both our boys will give us this look, but for different reasons. If we don’t go up to bed on time, our little dude, Emile, will give us this look as though we’re ruining his beauty sleep. And our grumpy big dude, Remy, hasn’t stopped giving us this look since we brought home Emile. That was three years ago. Acting like we don’t catch them cuddling on the couch…

Did… you even attempt to read the article?

It’s about the removal of a subscription tier, forcing people to either pay more for a tier they didn’t want, or pay for the basic tier which features ads.

It's the pith that gets bitter. That's why you want to avoid hitting the inner rind when zesting citrus.

Depends on the myth. In some, it’s parthenogenesis, and in others, Zeus swallowed his consort, Athena’s at-the-time pregnant with her, mother, and Athena fought her way out after being born inside of Zeus.