I lost my dad 4 years ago and now I graduated my first year in high school with surprisingly good grades. Noone really cares about it and I know he would. I don’t know why I am posting this but I saw this sub and joined cause I like reading this stuff and feel like I have a father figure. I know it’s not really the best topic to post here but I just wanted to feel like I have a dad again. You guys are so cool and your kids are lucky to have you.

_ Edit: Thank you so much for your comments. I didn’t expect that amount of support it means the world to me🩷I wrote it felling really low with this end of the school year and father’s day coming up(in my country it’s in 2 days) Im trying to respond to every single one and Im reading all of them. Im sorry if I didn’t respond to some but they keep popping up and then disappear and I can’t find them but I saw them! You really made me cry happy tears. Thank you, you guys are awsome

(Im a girl to clarify)