over je ionic vraag, je kan ook locale sqlite shit doen met ionic (wat volgens mij een ui schil bovenop capacitor js is) zodat je ook offline kan werken met je native apps. Je kan dan later je sql lite db syncen naar je online db via je api.

Ik heb t nooit gebruikt ofzo maar wel een keer uitgezocht. Ik kan verder voor geen meter programmeren na 2 jaar front end en een beetje backend in node

fun fact: in 1970s at Xerox Parc, GUI, OOP and Ethernet was invented. Steve Jobs "stole" the idea, which was a good thing because Xerox management couldn't see the appeal in either of these inventions.

Damn you and your octopus fingers :D

Awesome sound, awesome melodies, chords, voicings, solo, awesome.

start with something simpler, judging by the drapery shapes your example is too complex for a beginner

I once did Bertj Jansch - Needle of death for my then girlfriend, which I thought to be quite a tender song. She said: "Thats great you should really take singing lessons".

i think scrum master could be a good fit. The glueing part is important skill there

you should look up the full quote of "jack of all trades, master of none. ..."

until the people vote for local governments who enact the policies of the national parties?

until the people vote for local governments who enact the policies of the national parties?

love it 10/10. Beginner art is the best art!

wtf is a sales engineer? They put Engineer after everything now? "Senior BurgerEngineer"

i did 3 months of vue 2, then 3 years of angular, the went into vue 3 and within a few hours i was VERY productive in it. Was I using the "right" paradigms? Probably not. Can another dev explain them to me in a few hours? Most likely. Frontend is about knowing html css and javascript/typescript and knowing which problems the frameworks solve.

Gatekeeping at interviews because of candidate X not knowing an obscure technique in framework X is very bad for your talentpool.

Ill allow it, because we are friends. No hr no homo

"i wouldnt wear that strapon with that xxs hello kitty tshirt to work if i were you, Ronald my dear 110kg 62 year old accountant coworker. "

If we say "i wouldn't do X if I were you" we mean you shouldn't do it.

government elderly people are like this yes, had a coworker complain about my shorts while he wore shorts covering his knees, like what year is this? 1815? Better to just ignore them until some higher ups reprimand you.

Dont forget the greys sports almanac