GTA IV was an amazing game. I did put a good chunk of time into V, one my most favourite gaming moments was during the “Los Santos Connection” online mission. You could have up to 6 people in it, which we had a group of close friends I’ve always gamed with doing that specific mission that day. We knew a trick of placing a C4 on the plane before you got to the main part in the mission so we could instantly blow up the aircraft once the prompt came up.

I guess I placed the C4 in a strange spot compared to normal (it would instantly take the plane out). All of us were inside the hangar waiting for the moment it blew up so we could head over and grab whatever dropped from the plane (briefcase I think). We usually played the game on higher difficulties so I remember us barely getting out of the hangar after all the bots showed up. Just as we started to run towards our vehicles (parked outside the hangar) I clicked to explode the C4 on the plane taking off down the runway, which caused the right wing to completely blow off and send it heading directly towards the hangar, I still remember hearing everyone screaming as we watched this massive airplane coming directly towards us and all of us frantically trying to jump out of the way/get somewhere safe because we had no lives left (which if I remember correctly would fail you if another person died). The airplane crashed and slide completely inside the hangar and then exploded inside just as we made it out, literally like a movie. Then we ran back in grabbed the stuff and finished the mission while all freaking out about how realistic and cool it looked. This all happened with in a matter of 10-15 seconds.

Genuinely one of my favourite moments over all my years of gaming, I still giggle about the screams my friends and I made.

We’re trying!!! Thank you for the advice friend

She’s hilarious, I love her so much lol 😭. Thank you everyone for the nice comments. The wife and I are very happy to make some peoples day with this!!

That’s sad to hear, I’ll just do what I normally do and ignore most of what I see/read on the internet. Can’t live life being worried about every single decision made either. But I more than understand your point, some very unwell people out there unfortunately.

Trying to take as much in as I can, it’s going fast already.. 😭

Between mom and her, I’m in trouble 😅 Thank you!! ❤️

Lmao no problem! No offence taken hahaha

Perfect! She’s normal, thank god I worried being her dad..

She really is great, until she’s hangry 😂

It’s just her face, I’m not worried. Was too cute not to share honestly!

Someone else made a comment about me sharing as well. It’s just her face, I’m not worried and I’m a worry wart 😂.

It’s dad 😂, mum can hum much nicer!