I mean, irs not enough time. Not for her, not for him. They both need time. I bet he wants to be involved, and I dont think he thinks she is an asshole. She is overthinking a lot and stressing herself. She needs to take it slowly.

He also has legal rights to be in the childs life. Parental alienation = child abuse.

You cannot rem9ve the father from the childs life. Oarental alienation is child abuse.

And you assume all that why? He just found out. He needs time. She needs time.

NAH. You dont hold a monopoly on custody. He is trying to handle these shocking news too. Just because he needs a moment doesn't give you the right to remove him from your kid's life. That being said, he should be involved for the right reason. You are difficult, but you aren't an asshole. Nor is he. And no, being difficult isn't such a catastrophic thing. He probably didn't mean it that seriously if he put a , maybe it's the whole pregnancy making you stressed. Just rellax. You will have plenty of time to sort it out. Just establish paternity. The rest can be sorted out in months gollowing the birth. Kid needs to stay with mom a long time following birth. Arrange custody during that time, when you and he will be more cool headed. There's no need to rush it.

Eastern Orthodox

especially if it's a problem most of us faced / are facing. Porn addiction isn't as rare as most hope, sadly.

Eastern Orthodox

Pornography is satan's iconography. Even text, even without real people, even with drawings or just text, is still bad.

Where? Where does society hurt Holden? "Look guys, Ivreally am a teen, all teens suffer mid lufe crisis depression... relate to meee".... No. You aren't a telatable teen. You ate a 40-something writer pretending to be a teen, and you are failing.

As a teen, I wasn't able to connect yo the main character st all yet my teacher cobstantly hyped it as a book about adolescents for adolescents." No. It's a book about a midfle aged man gir middle-aged writers suffering a mid-life crisis.

And if it's really about SA, which I never saw myself in it, then it really should be removed from compulsory efucation and be R rated.

Then its not a book for teens and schools shouldnt force it down kids throats

MC is not a teenager. MC is a 40 year old and as a teen, I was completely unable to relate to him while being forced to read that book.

The main character in the "Catcher in the Rye" isn't an adolescent but a 40-something year old writer facing a mid-life crysis. No real teen ever acts like that. Let's be honest. I read it as a twen due to school forcing me, and I hatd it. I absolutely did not relate to the character at all. I had better grades and a more stable school life in high school than in grade school, and I just hated MC. How can a writer fail so much? He basically wrote himself.

Basically, if you sing "N, N, N, I am 200% N," you dot get to be offended qhen so.eone calls you an N. This goes for any slur, but the problem with N is that it's present in the media. Everywhere. Either anyone using Ngets banned and fined or using N is legal. Anything else is apartheid.

He is the most memorable extra to me. That oops on his face as Aragorn yells, "Hold!"... priceless... And a perfect shot. Then, everyone stands silently until the orc hits the ground. And so it begins.

The guy who first fires the arrow in Helms Deep. That's so me, messing up like that... whoops...

I AM SAVING MY BEST FRIEND'S MARRIAGE! proceeds to passionately kiss Penny in the mouth

Domeehere among the top 10. I think this is how Berserk should be adapted, tho. Manga is probably in the top two for me.