There is no safe spot between aoe zone and the fist laser on Metyr, it was tested by many people.

There is just enough time to summon ashes after entering the fog gate and then run away to reditect Messmer's aoe from summon.

I think they only have one attack with their weapon - their grab - you should parry when they swing their wand down before catching you. Works alright with golden parry.

Is it even possible to run from them? One of them chased me through the half of the forest before killing me.

He didn't throw a spear upon using flask, but the safe spot after his combo (that was usually enough for my attack) wasn't enough for drinking estus - boss literally went into another attack earlier than if I used my attack instead of flask. Had this scenario happen numerous times.

I don't think that Radahn was afflicted with something (no reason to think so apart from this description). Imo, "Their childhood" and "their afflicted selves" refer only to Miquella (and maybe Malenia?). Some weird translation from Japanese is likely going on. Also, considering a chronological order of Radagon's actions, it makes sense that Radahn should be significantly older than Miquella.

I don't think anyone expected a bombastic cutscene, but a nice conclusion to dlc arc (as addition to the fight itself) would be nice. Like, in ds3 we killed Gael and this will bring a beginning to a new world. In Old Hunters we slew Orphan and lifted a curse from Hunter's nightmare (a dawn instead of that blood-drunken moon-eye is a nice touch). Miquella's cutscene is just nothing new and nothing that could add a flavour to his and Radahn's defeat.


Killing the shadow of Orphan lifts the curse from dlc areas. There is even a dawn breaking instead of nightmarish moon. I liked this ending a lot, it is hopeful and really concludes dlc's story.

Miquella's ending cutscene, on the other side... just recites to us what we already know. Remove it - and nothing will change.

In Bonny Gaol, you temporarily (or in other places till death) fall into textures when rolling into this wall.

I don't think we really know the details of the vow. I don't even think that Radahn wanted to upheld his end of the vow he presumably agreed to in his youth, judging by his resistance in fight with Malenia. Or maybe his rune changed him so much that he didn't care about the ecological disaster his fight with Malenia would bring?

I too think he looked more adult after ascension. I know that his charm stopped working after his rune broke, but I definitely think he had a charming power after he became a god.


I think his charm needing a contact is more of boss mechanic than lore implication. Though our player is also treated as an almost Elden Lord, so we are definitely above other charmed npcs in terms of power.

The only thing that prevents his charm in fight is his abandoned rune, which is also a unique and difficult to obtain.

Edit. It is also possible that npcs were charmed through contact. It's highly probable in Ansbach case, but we have no information about others.

Light roll gives you the most consistent chance to dodge it. There are also ashes of war like Raptor of the mist, Bloodhound step or Blinkbolt.

I think Miquella's age of compassion is totally opposite of Ranni's age of Stars - while Ranni leaves the fate of people completely in their own hands, Miquella's methods hint that his age would be all about control. Someone doesn't like you? Just charm them, and all will live in peace and harmony under not so benevolent god. Sounds quite horrible, to be honest.

But he still has his ability to charm after the ascension. I suspect Radahn is under his charm, and Miquella literally charms a player if caught two times in a grip during second phase.

Tbh, his fixation on Radahn makes me think that Miquella's curse resulted not only in child's body, but also in a child's mind.

Well, I switched to heavy (but not too slow) weapons in the Shaded Castle and was amazed by how easy all non-boss enemies (and even dungeon bosses like Rakshasa) became. Never died to a single Fire Knight - bonk is that good. Still switch to fast weapons with bleed on bosses though.

Plus almost every boss has a delayed attack with the swinging animation so fast that if you press roll immediately after the start of the swing, you roll too late and get caught. These attacks are the bane of my existence - I spent 3 hours on Divine beast, and not once could I correctly roll his delayed bite from above.

I think that Radahn became a real warmonger after Shattering, when he was tainted by the power of his rune. The game emphasizes his kindness in his prime years before he got the rune, and kindness and warmongering do not really go well together.

  1. The atmosphere and music in dlc are awesome.

  2. Commander Gaius.

Guy jumps from the wrong place (presumably, I heard there was also a bug of you jump from the bull's head) and dies from fall damage in Putrescent Knight arena.

There is also a highly approved message before this glitching wall that says "bug ahead". I chuckled when I rolled through the wall and found out what the message meant

You need exactly Hefty Furnace Pots, other fire pots don't work.