My oldest brother was in and out of prison his entire adult life. It doesn’t change anything long term. A friend reconnected with her high school love when he was in jail. For about two years she sent him money and paid for anything he needed. He got out and she helped him pay for an apartment. A couple of months later she’s asking questions about all the younger women she sees on his social media and he says that they are just new friends. A couple of months after that he suddenly starts talking about how they need to be allowed to get sex with other people because of being in a long distance relationship. She still doesn’t see what a piece of crap he is until another month or two when he suddenly breaks up with her, moving one of his FWB into the apartment and then blocking her. A little less than a year later he’s back in jail and he’s super sorry and it was a mistake to break up and she Owes it to him to get back together because she can’t do it when he’s “going through something traumatic” and how being back in prison again has changed him”. It’s always the same story. Prisoners are always going to say that they learned to be better when in truth they just want money and attention and they will say whatever it takes to get it.

My mom worked as a home aid for visiting nurses for almost 20 years. She would take laundry home and wash it for free and save her clients money for something else they needed. She would go to a client’s house during storms to make sure they weren’t stuck in the dark alone. She gave them rides on weekends when they needed help off the books. She would have been fired a hundred different times if they enforced the rules like they did to you. I’m sorry you were punished for being a good person. I don’t understand the way those kind of people think.

I had friends who thought it was real when it first came out. They had watched it over and over for an entire week. Finding more little things that they missed. Even after I told them it wasn’t real they didn’t believe me. I had to pull up a website and show it to them before they finally believed me.

Mine knew when I used the bathroom because all of our dogs would also be in there with me. The sound of my voice saying no you can’t sit on my lap coming through the door was unmistakable.

From what I hear neither do you.

Or just go with the classic slam for sexist bullies - Bite Me Bitch!

Just don’t believe anyone who claims they can recover your money. Your money is gone. But the next step for the scammers will be to try to convince you that they are the good guys and for a small fee they will get your money back. They can’t. It’s a recovery scam

Everyone hates you. People who don’t know you want me to introduce them just so they can hate you too.

I was hoping for a link too. I just scrolled through every comment twice looking for a link or a copy/paste that would work on my phone.

In my brother’s case it wasn’t. My parents had his feet checked out for a fungus or infection because the smell was horrible. But according to the military doctors some people just have sweaty smelly feet.

He had several mini goats and a mini horse along with a couple of dozen chickens. So it probably looked like an all you can eat buffet to the raccoons. He wanted to make sure they weren’t coming back.

Check out his shoes. My oldest brother used to shower daily and he would smell fine except for his feet. Within a hour or two of getting out of the shower his feet would start to stink. And he had to keep his shoes on the porch. He outgrew it in later years but until his 40’s his feet and shoes were biohazards.

It’s on the next island and there’s no chance they could swim back. The currents through the pass are far too strong.

That’s all too true unfortunately. My son was on 25+ acres. The 5-6 acres at the bottom of the property was declared wetlands and couldn’t be developed. The house, barn and out buildings were all in the middle of the property with a hill behind that was all natural forest at the top of the property. New neighbors brought the land above them and cleared an area where they built their house. A few years later he was in the woods with his dogs setting raccoon traps and to his shock the new neighbors had cut down his trees and started cutting it into firewood. So yes I can imagine someone like them mowing and clearing property that wasn’t theirs.

Just wanted to add that the raccoon traps are safe and the animals are not harmed in any way. He would catch them and release them (with permission) into the State Forest a few miles away.

This is an offense against the Goddess Kali. She who is the only true and righteous deity. You and all who stand with you shall be punished accordingly.

I met my best friend at 7. She was 5. Our parents met through us and became lifelong best friends too. In the 55+ years I had her in my life not once did either of us try to hurt or put down each other. This person is not your friend. They are simply someone you’ve known for a long time. I think you should remember the good times with them as things that happened with someone you knew as a child, like a fellow student or cabin mate at camp but not someone you had a connection with as an adult. Then cease any future contact other than events that your family and theirs plan together. When you have to see them at those events you should treat them like a distant relative. Someone that you recognize and know their name but you don’t really know. Because in reality you barely know them - you have only know the fake personality they pretended to be.

Biden would not have been my first choice. But I am a realist. And we desperately needed to get the racist, lying traitor out of the White House. And because the Moron-in-Chief was an old, white man we had to make sure his opponent was another old white man. Biden was the wise choice instead of the preferred choice. And I can live with that.

Or if you’re obviously not overweight and you’re a woman then it’s because you drink soda, eat food with sugar or don’t belong to a gym. I am disabled from a car accident so how eating differently and lifting weights is supposed to fix the extensive damage to my spine and neck is a mystery to me.

Just start singing Creep. The lyrics will say all that needs to be said.