My rough Collie was very chill with our cats. She was kind to every animal she met. 100% recommend.

Jizz Blob and the Meechettes

My thinking is that they tithe in babies. Like one of the old gods, Jizzblob must be presented with children, to stay happy.

Compazine suppositories worked well for me when I had hyperemesis gravidarium. Obviously you can’t throw them up!

Jizz Blob and the Meechettes

“Didn’t we, Michelle?”— as if she would ever disagree. If he’d had to ask her a second time it definitely would have been with gritted teeth, a clenched jaw, and eyes that were the opposite of sorry.

Jizz Blob and the Meechettes

Uh-oh. Justice Amy Coney Broodmare and Co. have betrayed the Duggar Army. Maybe it would’ve worked if Meech wrote one of her letters on behalf of J’Felon, wherein she uses hearts for dots on every “i”.

Jizz Blob and the Meechettes

Damn. That photo of J’felon and Ted is pure nightmare fuel. Two more difficult-to-look-at faces couldn’t be found, and there they are, side by side 🤢

Seconding, thirding, fourthing…hundredthing…the calls to begin putting yourself first, including therapy, if you can afford that. The message from our culture that as women it’s primarily our job to do all the emotional lifting, including raising infants into functional adults, is damaging and unfair. Your daydreams about having lived a completely different life are coming from the part of you which knows how incredibly burdensome and unjust it has been. She needs freedom and expression, and the space to find out who she is. I’m not recommending that you leave your family. At all. Unless you end up drawing that conclusion, which will be a perfectly valid conclusion if you come to that. Maybe make it a goal to go somewhere or do something that only you are interested in for a few hours a week, and work up from there. Baby steps are usually the way to get anything important done. Also, may I suggest that you get yourself a vibrator? I think lots of the ladies here would also recommend that. Being able to pleasure yourself is an incredibly important part of this stage of life, and our need to get to know ourselves after decades of putting ourselves last. Plus, it’s just a hell of a lot of fun. All the best to you ❤️

Not in Columbia, but very close — Dr Sally Ellebracht-Gerke. She’s only about 20 minutes west of Midway. She is an MD with a holistic/functional medicine approach, and she’s a fabulous listener. She doesn’t take insurance for office visits, but her office will give you the necessary paperwork if you want to file on your own. Anyway, she keeps us so healthy that we don’t have to go very often.

I don’t know if it’s the pain making me vomit or my body wanting to purge itself of the substance which gave me the migraine. I have thrown up a few times with weather migraines. I always have intestinal issues with the vomiting.

The Poisonwood Bible is magnificent, and the end is incredibly moving.

Gonna stick my neck out here but lemme just say that we raise livestock on grass, for fiber and for eating. Our animals have happier, healthier lives than I think a lot of humans do, and when they die it is quicker and involves far less suffering than a lot of natural deaths. Our pastures are host to multitudes of insects and birds and other wildlife who otherwise wouldn’t exist. Sure, it makes me sad when they are shipped away for processing. But without us they, and many other life forms on our farm, wouldn’t have had a shot at any life at all, and pretty damn good ones at that. I have nothing to be ashamed of.

Walnuts. But pecans are the bomb, so I always sub those. Also, Brie, Camembert— any of the soft French cheeses, because to me they just taste like straight mold.

I had myself convinced that making plans to run away when I was six was mostly normal and even kinda cute, but my therapist corrected that narrative.

Adding a bit of chopped green onion to scrambled eggs really brightens the flavor. We also throw in a few extra tablespoons of butter as they cook.

He seemed so traumatized from witnessing all that death and destruction. I hope he took a break afterwards, to recover.

Jizz Blob and the Meechettes


Not a pure U2 song, but their version of Unchained Melody is 🔥🔥

Jizz Blob and the Meechettes

Maybe they think all these happy, worldly people will feel God’s wrath after death. Whereas the fundies get head pats from Big Daddy now AND all of the rewards of heaven after they due? And the happy heathens won’t be raptured.

Jizz Blob and the Meechettes

Is she talking about JB or Gothard? Not that JB would believe differently, just curious.

A front can be hundreds of miles away, and I’ll still get a headache 🤕 Your response doesn’t sound at all flaky.

Henryville rang a bell, so I searched YouTube and found the very one — thanks!